Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wednesday 10/14/09 - AFTER WORK

- Drove to my parents to get Caden. Traffic wasn't too bad, since it was well after 6:00 pm, and I made the trip in about 35 minutes.

- Sat and chatted with my mom about Caden's cheery personality. How he gets into everything, yet he always has such a big smile on his face, so you can't get mad. We talked about how Caden and Walker's personalities are so different and compared them to how I and my sister Kellie were total opposites when we were little as well.

- Packed Caden up and headed down to Rockland to pick Walker up at kung fu. Called Scott on my way there and asked him to make sure Walker was ready to go when I got there as Caden had fallen asleep in the car and I didn't want to have to take him out.

- Got to kung fu and Walker came running out...ready to go! Grabbed Walker's dinner bag from Scott, gave him a kiss, and told him I'd see him later.

- Drove home while Walker and I talked about his day at school...or mostly Walker doing most of the talking. He told me how he went to music class, and then to different stations, and then had lunch, and then took a rest, and then went to more stations... He also told me that his friend Samantha (who he went to Pre-k with) gave him an invite to her birthday party and he wanted to know who would take him and how far away it was.

- 7:45: Got home and unloaded the kids. Turned cartoons on for Walker and gave him a cup of milk. Brought Caden into the kitchen and fed him dinner. Got him a bottle of juice and then changed his diaper and put him in his PJs. Let him crawl around and play for a little while while I got into my own PJs and then sat on the couch with him and Walker for a few minutes.

- 8:30: put Caden to bed and updated my list before drawing some little Star Wars characters that Walker asked me to make for him.

(I drew the guys and Walker colored them in and gave them lightsabers and blasters)

- Sat on the couch and drew pictures of Star Wars characters with Walker while watching Wonder Pets. Then cuddled with him while i watched America's Next Top Model that I had DVR-ed. Scott called to see if we needed anything from the supermarket and Walker fell asleep on the couch.

- 9:30: Post Tuesday's list to blog.

- Scott came home and we both went into the kitchen. I started dinner while he packed the boys things for the next day. Chatted with Scott about why I had to stay late at work and all the craziness we have to deal with on "Harry Potter" and dealing with WB.

- Finished cooking dinner and retired to the couch to eat and watch CSI: NY. Scott and I talked about my "working mom" thoughts. Hadn't had a chance to watch the Dr. Phil episode yet, but was interested to hear what the two sides had to say.

- After I finished eating, pulled out my project list for work and made "design assignments" for the design team and reviewed my own list of projects... while watching the 11:00 news.

- Vegged on the couch watching Letterman until I fell asleep. Woke up at some point much later to Caden crying. Scott was getting him a bottle and settled him back down. I had thought about moving to the bed, but with Caden awake in the room, I didn't want to be a "distraction" while he was falling back to sleep, so I rolled over and went back to sleep myself...on the couch.

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