Saturday, October 10, 2009

Friday 10/9/09 - AFTER WORK

- Drove to my parents house to pick up Caden. Hung out there for about a half hour chatting about our football pool with my Dad and plans for Caden's birthday. Changed Caden after he leaked through...sigh...and then packed him up to go.

- Stopped at the market to pick up milk, soda, and trash bags.

- Got home and tried to keep Caden distracted and out of things, while I picked up the house: vacuuming, emptied dishwasher, tidied up kitchen. We had friends coming over that evening to watch this weeks episode of "Clone Wars" with us.

- Fed Caden his dinner and then wrestled (he's such a squirmer) with him to change his diaper.

- Scott and Walker arrived home and Walker was very excited that his friends, Brian and Jodi, were coming over. I told him they would be there soon.

- Brian and Jodi arrived and we chatted a bit while Scott ordered pizza to be delivered.

- After much prompting from Walker, we settle into the living room to watch Clone Wars (which is recorded on the DVR). I don't get to watch the whole thing because I have to get Walker milk and Caden a bottle, among other things.

- Have Scott get Caden into his PJs and then sit with him in the rocking chair for a bit before putting him to bed.

- Pizza arrives and we pause "Clone Wars" while we get out food. Jodi brought over a salad to go along with the pizza. We settle back into the living room and resume watching "Clone Wars."

- After this weeks episode is over, I put Walker in his PJs and he sits on my lap on the rocking chair while Scott and I chat with Brian and Jodi. He falls asleep after a few minutes and I put him to bed.

- We hang out with Brian and Jodi until 10:30ish, chatting about bad job applicants (Brian is hiring a "help desker"), construction of Star Wars costumes and floats for the Halloween parade, and may other things.

- Brian and Jodi head home and I settle down on the couch, watch the news, and make this list (via paper and pen)...with a glass of milk and a couple of cookies...while Scott catches up on his email.

- 11:30: I finish watching the news and fall asleep on the couch...again!

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