Wednesday, November 4, 2009


What the hell HAVE I been up too???

Yeah, I went AWOL for a couple of weeks. Life just got WAAAAY crazier than normal. yes, that IS possible. Some mornings have been a little bumpier than usual; Caden likes to try to play on the computer when I'm working on it, which makes doing anything on the computer take 3 times longer; we had the final push to open Potter and launch “The Science Behind…” event; I’ve been trying hard to be a good parent, and sit down and get Walker to do his home work each night…yes, in kindergarten! There has also been preparing for Halloween, Caden’s 1 year birthday, and the upcoming Dragonclaw Octoberfest (yes, I realized October is already over…it’s late this year). Mix all that together…and that makes for very limited computer time.

Some days I still kept my running lists, but for the past week, it’s been mostly only at work. I’ve been planning to go back and post past days, but as the days started to pile up, I found the task too daunting and I then began procrastinating :(

It wasn’t until yesterday, when my friend Lianne was back in the office after a short vacation, and said “What the hell have you been up too? Are you boycotting Facebook and your blog.” I guess I realized that some people missed me ;) That gave me the kick in the pants to get back on track, and I started up my running lists again.

SOOOOO since it would be WAY too time consuming to post lists for every day from the past two weeks, I’m just going to post the highlights of each day until I catch back up.

Stay tuned...there has been some fun and funny stuff going on!!!

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