Wednesday, November 11, 2009


- 4:30: Walker is standing in front of me. "Mamma, I leaked." He peed in his pants and he was SOAKED...sigh. I send him to the bathroom and pull the blankets off the couch and yes, there is a really big wet spot on our new couch..sigh. I grab a towel and press it against the wet spot and then go into the bathroom to clean up Walker. I get him new PJs and get him dressed. I tell him he has to go back and sleep in his bed. He's not happy with this. I go back into the living room to dab the towel on the wet spot some more. Walker is crying in his bed, so I decide to sleep with him in his bed.

- 6:30: Walker wakes up and says "It's morning!" I get him to cuddle with me for about 15 minutes and then we get up and go into the living room and I turn on some cartoons. I get him a cup of milk and do some cleaning in the kitchen.

- Walker shouts to me from the living room and then I hear Caden call from the bed. I was hoping he'd say asleep a little longer.

- I get Caden out of the crib and sit with both boys in the living room for a little while and then let Caden play while I go do dishes.

- Walker wants to watch something "On Demand" so I find something new on the TV and start my morning list. I hear a bag from the living room and then Caden cry. I go and check on him, and have no idea what happened, but he seems fine...but he's leaked. I change his diaper and PJs and then settle him in the living room with a bottle.

- Back to my list, but interrupted by Walker who wants to barricade his brother from the couch so he doesn't get into Walker's toys.

- Checked email and Facebook. Made some people "admins" of the Dragonclaw page and posted some pics of Fest auction and raffle items.

- Gave Caden some Cheerios and bananas, and then let him out of the chair for a little while to get into things. Set Walker up in the bathroom to play in the sink. He like to put his guys in the water.

- Cleaned the kitchen: scrubbed down the stove, washed all the dishes that didn't fit into the dishwasher, cleaned off the table and took the leaf out now that my crafting projects are done for the time being, swept the floor...about 4 and their Cheerios and crackers...

- Did a load of laundry. Got breakfast for Walker and Caden. Put Caden down for a nap. Walker is back in the bathroom playing in the sink. Time to wash the kitchen floor now that Cade is asleep.

- Ate a bowl of cereal. Folded a basket of clothes. Set Walker up to paint pictures at the kitchen table and helped him paint a picture of a city with lots of stick people walking's what he wanted.

Art Director: Walker / Illustration: Mommy & Walker
Walker told me to make the buildings and the people. Walker panted the sky and the sun.

- Did a little more cleaning and then took a shower while Cade was still asleep and Walker watched Lego films on YouTube

- Got out of the shower. Caden got up. I finished cleaning the living room and vacuumed.

- Packed up the boys and took them to Burger King for lunch, then we headed off to the super market to get things that were needed for the house.

- 3:40: Got back home. Did a little more cleaning and getting ready to head down the Cape.

- My friend Andrea arrived to watch the boys. I went through where everything is in the house and who gets fed what and where. Andrea played with the boys while I packed up my fest costume and got ready to go.

- Gave the boys kisses and headed out. Stopped for gas and coffee and back on the road to the Cape.

- Got to the camp ground about 6:30. Called Scott and had him meet me at the parking lot since it was very dark and I didn't want to wonder around in the dark on my own. Got to the main hall and did a quick costume change in the back room of the kitchen and then joined in on the fun.

- Ate dinner with my friends. Got the run down on what we had for auction and raffle and then kicked off the nights entertainment! 8:15

- 8 awards. 20 raffle items. 20 auction items. An assortment of entertainers. A successful night was was wrapped up just before 11:00. It was fun to be the Octoberfest MC once again.

- Hung out in the kitchen with some friends; chatting and eating cheese. Gave Scott a call about 11:30 and told him I was going to get ready to go. He came up to the main hall to meet me and walk me to the car.

- Got on the road about mid-night. I was well awake for the first 20 minutes, but then started to feel drowsy. A large antlered deer jump out at the side of the road quickly filled me with energy. I nearly hit it! The adrenaline pumped through my veins for about another 15 minutes...but then started to wear off. The last 20 minutes of the ride home was REALLY hard. They say "if you're feeling drowsy, then you should pull over." If I did that, I'd had fallen asleep and who knows how long I would have been there...or who would have found me. I pushed through and made it home -- safe and sound -- about 1:00.

- Got in the house, it was dark and quiet. Both the boys and Andrea were asleep. Sent a quick text to Scott to let him know I was home and then crawled into bed and fell asleep as soon as I closed my eye


  1. I like the picture you and Walker painted, it was sweet recount of your day, your boys sound like they're great kids.


  2. Thanks, Sean! I am one lucky mommy :)
