Wednesday, November 18, 2009



- Typically morning: Alarm clock went off. Caden woke up. We played on the couch for a little while (my favorite way to start a day). Walker got up. He seemed fine and I told him he was going to school. Got him a cup of milk and then found him some clothes to wear. Got Caden a bottle. Packed Walker's lunch bag and back pack. Got Walker dressed. Got jackets on all of us and headed down to the bus stop.

- The bus was a few minutes late. Got back to the house about 7:30. Time to get myself ready for work.

- 8:08: Dressed and ready to go. Just need Scott to get up to care for Caden and move his car so I can get out of the driveway. He's still struggling to get well, so he's taken the morning off from work.

- Well, I TRIED to get out of the house early...but that isn't going to happen. I MAY get out earlier than I typically do on Friday, so at least that is something. I'm WORN DOWN!


- Against all my efforts to get in early, I arrived to work at 10:00...groan...

- Made a call to my mom about watching Caden this afternoon so I didn't have to get out early and she said that was fine. Called Scott to let him know and he had assumed I was having my parents watch Caden so I could go down to the kung fu school and help him teach his Kids/Juniors class...grrrr...I'm having a bad day. It's totally feeling like a Friday The 13th...grrrr.... Every day that I have left early because my mom is healing from her surgery, I've taken sick time and I'm sure I'm getting grumbles from my co-workers. I finally felt that my mom was well enough to watch Caden for an hour or two and then my husband gets sick and I have to now help him. It's been a VERY long week taking care of a sick husband and two energetic boys...and trying to keep them from getting sick...and worrying that they WILL get sick. Working a full-time job. AND trying to avoid getting sick myself. I'm totally wearing down :(

- Got into the office and opened a couple of boxes of signs that were delivered. Attached some velcro to one set of signs that needed it and then sent out emails to a bunch of clients to let them know their signs were ready for pick up.

- 10:25: Start my list so I could get some venting off my chest AND so I didn't forget what I've done in the past 30 minutes.

- Responded to a friend's email about when to bring your child to the dentist for the first time.

- Prep to teach the design intern how to do signage projects.

- Did some "busy-work" and then did a favor for a fellow Museum-er.

- Had lunch.

- Printed out a HP sticker for the elevator, as someone had already pulled the original one off...less than a month and people are already picking.

- Read an email from HR about reporting when you have the flu, or someone in your house has the flu. Responded to HR that I believe Scott has it. I think that according to the rules passed down TODAY, they want ME to stay home even though I'm not the one with the flu....this is all going to go sooooooooooo badly.

- Archived some projects and then cleaned off and disaffected my desk.

- 5:07: Time to head home


- Picked up Caden at my parents. Came home. Exchange some emails with my upstairs neighbor. I noticed all her curtains were down and I wanted to know if she's moving. She's planning too, but said the couple on the third floor are also moving. Fed Caden dinner. Got him ready for bed. Scott and Walker came home. Put Caden to bed. Sat on the couch with Scott and Walker to wait for Clone Wars to start. Walker fell asleep before it came on. Scott and I watched Clone Wars. I put Walker to bed while Scott got the pizza from the delivery guy at the door. Sat on the couch and ate pizza and watched Project Runway. Fell asleep.

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