Saturday, November 21, 2009

TUESDAY 11/17/09


- 3:00: Walker is standing in the living room door. "Mamma, get up, I leaked!" He had wet the bed. I get off the couch, go and get him stripped down, cleaned up, and redressed. We both settle back down on the couch and fall back to sleep.

- 6:15: Alarm clock; snooze. 6:24: Alarm goes off, and, myself, Caden, and Walker get up. Play. Turn on cartoons. Get clothes for Walker. Milk for both boys.

- Set Caden up in his chair outside the bathroom and take a shower. Just as I get out the central fire alarm goes off and a minute later my door bell rings. I wrap a towel around me and wake up Scott and tell him to investigate. The boys are wondering what the noise it. Scott answers the door, it's the upstairs neighbor. She wants to know if we know why it's going off. Her and Scott start investigating, but then it stops and we never find out why it went off.

- Walker got himself dressed. I packed his backpack. I change Caden and get Scott up to take Walker to the bus.

- I get dressed, dry my hair, and put on my make-up. I play with Caden for a little bit. I try to find a Toys-R-Us receipt for a toy I bought Walker that we want to return. No luck :(

- I pack myself up and head to work.


- I got to work early!!!! 8:40...but I listen to Tom Brady on the radio for a few minutes, so I don't get into the office until just before 9:00...but at least it's BEFORE 9.

- Turn on the computer and run down for coffee. I had a muffin and water on the way in, but I really need a coffee.

- Come back up and check email and start my list. Need to catch up on my time-log from yesterday...which I never opened - doh!

- Consult with my boss about the best way to hide some velcro strips that are on some walls around the museum, but currently don't have signs posted on them.

- Had a conversation with a coworker about an upcoming meeting and responded to the meeting request via an email because I had some concerns.

- 9:45: Work on my Sparks newsletter layout.

- 11:00: Had a meeting with a design consultant that we have contracted to work on a "sub-brand" concept for our Adult Programming division.

- 12:45: Lunch

- Chatted with designer about an invite project she's working on. Trying to trouble-shoot some design ideas and how to make them work.

- Back to Sparks.

- More design consulting on the invite project.

- 2:00: Job Assignment Mtg. Get a weekly update on the projects that have been requested.

- Back to Sparks.

- 3:00: "Show & Tell" and tell with the design staff. Fanny had a cool direct marketing piece she got in the mail from DelConte. I forgot to bring my "show & tell" item...though I did show pictures of Caden's birthday party at the end of the meeting :)

- Checked email and then went down for coffee.

- Chatted with coworkers about an assortment of stuff and then goofed off on FB for far longer than I should have - DOH!

- 5:45: I'm SOOOOO LATE


- Got to kung fu later than I should have. Picked up the boys and brought them home.

After that, I don't know what I did. I didn't get a chance to update my list. I'm sure it had something to do with watching
Dancing With the Stars, putting the boys to bed, and cooking dinner.

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