- 6:00: Caden starts to make noise. 6:14: Caden is ready to get up and the alarm clock is about to go off. My day has begun. Bring Caden into the living room and play for a few minutes. Give him a bottle and let him watch cartoons while I look for clothes for boys….
….And then some how my morning at home got away from me…
- Bad traffic, in late :( 9:39: turned on the computer. Must have only put it to "sleep" last night as it was "on" when I hit the button. Doh! Checked my email. Trying to wake up. I'm SOOOO tired!
- Trouble shooted a file that a client needed that they were having issues with. Had to look up the file and resave it and resend it. Checked email. Went down to the café to get coffee as the office is FREEZING!
- Email. Filled out print request forms for two projects that were SUPER late, because I couldn't dedicate time to them while we were trying to get ready for the opening of Harry and the "The Science Behind..." event. Brought the sheets down to the print shop and confirmed paper choices. Came back upstairs and chatted with coworkers about the amazing Pot Pie from yesterday.
- Sat in a meeting to brainstorming marketing plans for our 3-D film "Planet You".
- Sent out files to have negatives made for a map project that needs to be printed.
- Went down to the café and got lunch and then goofed off online...goofed off longer than I should -- Doh! But posted a couple pictures my dad had wanted me to put up on his "fan group" page on FB ;)

- Answered some questions by my design intern and responded to the Managing Editor about some thoughts on the upcoming issue of Sparks. Made adjustments to Harry Potter price board layout to add in some additional information. Confirmed changes with the editors and send the layout to the client for approval.
- 2:00: Had Design assignment meeting with the design staff. Got a call from a printer who had come by to pick up our Sparks proof...she brought us CAKE! Got a slice of gingerbread cake and checked email.
- Chatted with my boss about the status of our junior designer position. Updated the HP price board. The editor made a change. Sent the updated files to the client again. Contacted a client about an upcoming project. Contacted a vendor about the production of the HP box office reprints. Checked in with my boss about a couple of things he was going to look into.,
- Updated my timelog and then headed out...got to get home early to get Walker and Caden from Scott. 3:30.
…Wednesday night must have been crazy, as I never even got back to my list. I have no clue what I did, but I’m sure it involved watching America’s Next Top Model…maybe….
…No morning post from the 29th. I’m sure it was much like any other Thursday morning…
- Left the house later than I had wanted, because I had problems getting Scott out of bed. Got in the car and realized that I needed to pick up juice for an office party later in the day. Got on the road just after 8:30. Got into the office about 9:20.
- 9:30: Grabbed coffee and then had a project meeting with my senior designer to discuss an invite suite that had just been assigned to her. Took a walk down to the Colby Room to look at the doors to the room that will probably be the main image for the pieces. Then took a walk around the museum to look for other inspiration for ideas for the piece.
- 10:30: Got back upstairs and check email and munch on some gingerbread cake.
- 10:45: Update The Science Behind… stationery with a couple of new names…will this project ever be over?... and sent it to the client for review. Exchanged emails with a vendor about a sign reprint and compared prices for different options.
- 11:15: Layout Women In Science Program.
- 11:30: Meeting about Harry Potter Borders/Newbury Comics promo poster needs.
- 11:50: Back to WIS program. Passed off to Editors 12:05.
- Chatted with the Project Coordinator about our junior designer roll that we need someone to fill. Check email
- 12:30: Sent TSB Stationery files to print. Brought request form to the Print Shop and grabbed lunch -- POT PIE! Surfed the web while munching lunch and IM-ing with my mom.
- Made adjustments to a JPG file for a client and resent it to him.
- 1:30: Jamila's "Goodbye Party"...sweets!
- Check email. Sent Box Office signs to the printer. Checked in to see if we've heard anything back from WB on the approval of our HP Sparks article. Harry Potter Audio Tour sign changes.
- 3:15: Coordinators Weekly meeting
- Checked email. Got feedback from WB on HP article.
- 4:30: Home!
….Again, another non-list evening. It was Thursday, so I got home and got the boys from my mother-in-law. I have no idea what happened after that. I’m sure I watched a bith of Survivor and CSI. Probably made dinner too, but you never can be too sure if I don’t write it down…my days really do moosh together…
…I feel like I should really remember what I did last Friday, but I’ve got nothing. I didn’t keep a running list, so I can’t remember much of anything from that morning…
- Crazy morning. I'm feeling all out of sorts. (Ah yes, It’s coming back to me. As I was rushing out the door to drop off Caden I left my cell phone behind. After I dropped off Caden and I was heading into town, I realized I left my work bag at home too. I was going to pull off my exit and swing by and pick it up, but got wrapped up in a radio interview and totally spaced it and didn’t realize until I was half way into Boston. I felt SO naked!)
- 10:00: Got in. Logged on. Reviewed Sparks proof.
- Spoke with our Community Outreach coordinator about the appropriateness of using country flags to represent different languages (English and Spanish). She said "absolutely not!".
- 10:45: Went down to the exhibit halls to watch a Design Challenge activity that I need to do a customized magnet design for. The exhibit halls were! Chatted with co-workers about what the activity actually was AND about the "flow-through" issues they are having down there with the new temporary exhibit "Wild Music" being right behind the activity center.
- 11:00 Opened up my Sparks pages to make two edits to my Harry Potter article that WB wanted. And then sent it out for approval.
- Requested a translation about "audio tours" in Spanish for the Audio Tour sign I'm working on. Updated the Audio Tour sign with the Spanish text.
- Updated Time Log.
- 11:45: WIS Program
- Completed notes on Sparks proof. Checked email.
- Helped a coworker brainstorm Halloween costume ideas.
- Looked through new photos that became available for the Identity exhibit that will be coming next year.
- Sent Audio Tour sign out to client for approval.
- Helped a client trouble shoot finding a file on the server that we put up there for her.
- Sent the WIS program to the client for review.
- Responded to Community Relation coordinator about translating the WHOLE Audio Tour sign to Spanish.
- Packed up Sparks proof to send back to printer.
- Gave coworker more help on her Halloween costume.
- Got feedback on WIS program. Made the changes and resent the file. Checked email.
- Printed out and mounted the Audio Tour sign. Not sure if it's actually "okay" with the client, but needed to get it done and I'm leaving soon.
- Called a client to talk about printing options for her program for next week.
- Check email one more time and got ready to head home. No baby coverage this afternoon: 3:30.
…I have a clearer memory of Friday evening after work. I’m pretty sure it consisted of….
- Going to the kung fu school and helping Scott out with his Kids & Juniors Halloween class. We did fun activities and the students were allowed to wear their Halloween costumes. After the class was over we gave them treats.
- I packed up Caden and left Walker there to hang out while I ran some errands for Caden’s birthday party that would be happening the next day. Made a stop at Ocean State Joblot, Family Dollar, and Target. Got some cool stuff at Target. The party was going to be “Little Monster” themed because Target had some great party stuff with “little montsers” on them. Caden and I met Scott and Walker at The 99 in Rockland for dinner and then we all headed home. Some where along my travels that night I lost my 10th Anniversary diamond ring. Didn’t realize it until Sunday.
- Got home and worked on party projects until much too late: make goodie bags, made little pumpkin sachés filled with candy and other treats for a “pumpkin patch hunt”, scanned in “little monster” images to make into black and white images that the kids could color.

- Went to bed sometime around 2:00.
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