Wednesday, November 18, 2009

THURSDAY 11/12/09


- 4-something in the morning...Walker come into the living room and wants to sleep with me on the couch. He curls up on the other end and we both fall back to sleep.

- Hit the snooze button 3 times. Finally got up about 6:40. Everyone else is still asleep, so I pop on the computer quickly.

- 6:50: need to get Walker's clothes ready and wake him up so he can get ready for school.

- Packed Walker's backpack. Woke him up and got him a cup of milk. Got him dressed and then Caden called from the crib. Got Cade out of his bed and brought him in the living room and finished getting Walker ready for school. Put jackets on all three of us and headed out the door. The bus was running about a minute early, so we had to run down to the stop. No one else was there either and so I held the bus as other neighbors came running up the street.

- Got back to the house and set Caden up in his high chair outside the bathroom so I could take my shower.

- Got out of the shower and quickly checked my Meeting Maker to see what sort of meetings I have scheduled and see what the weather is going to be like today...since I fell asleep before the news last night.


- In late because I had to pick up a few things at the store for Scott before heading into work. He's feeling a bit better, but not completely better and didn't want to have to pack Caden up just to take him out to the store. Arrived about 9:45.

- 10:00: Department management meeting.

- 10:45: Go over Sparks edits with editor-in-chief and the designers.

- Check email -- FINALLY. Open time log.

- 11:15: Nano Day Sign: Laid it out, sent it to the client for review. Got approval and sent it to print...I like projects that are that easy.

- Called the hubby to check in on how he is feeling. Saw on Facebook that several of the people who were at the Fest over the weekend DID have H1N1, so I'm pretty sure that is what he has. Went down for lunch and sat and ate it while reviewing the departments "job descriptions' as my boss is trying help to clarify how the department works.

- Reviewed project assignments with project coordinator.

- Gave a signage tutorial to the design intern.

- Started working on the edits to Sparks.

- 2:00: Design Assignment meeting.

- Back to working on Sparks.

- Took a trip down to the exhibit halls to show the design intern how to install posters into the poster cases and then grabbed a cup of coffee on the why back up to the office.

- 3:15: Weekly Coordinators meeting.

- Checked email and chatted with coworkers. Helped out a designer who was heading out the door by making some final changes to her layouts and sending them on to the client.

- Chatted with the Managing Editor about departmental goals.

- 4:30: Time to head home


- Picked the boys up from kung fu and brought them home. Let them play while I got settled in.

- Found some pictures of Walker on the computer for a homework assignment he had. Printed them out and Walker glued them to his "all about me" paper.

- Brought Caden into the kitchen and gave him some dinner.

- Walker started a coughing fit in the living room so I told him to come in the kitchen and drink some juice. He started heaving, so I put down a towel and said "if you feel like you need to throw-up, do it on this towel." Well, after several more minutes of coughing...he did!

- I put Caden to bed and then tended to Walker.

- Checked Walker's temp and he was fine. I think he just was coughing so much from post-nasal drip that he made himself puke. I actually think Walker LIKES to "throw-up." I'm going to have to watch him when he's a teenager :(

- Got Walker into his PJs and let him lay with me on the couch.

- Scott got home and he put Walker to bed. The past week had finally caught up to me. I had NO energy to do ANYTHING. Scott still isn't feeling well, but he took the trash out and ordered himself some dinner. I laid on the couch and watched TV. I was going to have some cereal for dinner, but never ended up getting up...just fell asleep some time after 10.

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