Sunday, November 15, 2009

TUESDAY 11/10/09 - "SICK DAY"

- Alarm clock goes off, hit the snooze. Goes off again, hit the snooze again.

- 6:30: Hear Caden talking in his crib. Hope that he'll just entertain himself for a few more minutes. Then here another voice, Walker, talking to Caden. Guess it's time to get up.

- Get the boys up. Scott is groaning in the bed. Not a good sign.

- Get milk for both boys. Get Walker his clothes. Dress Walker. Pack his snack. Take both boys down to the bus stop. See a huge hawk swoop down over our front lawn as we started walking to the bus stop. It was very cool. Give Walker a kiss and come back with Caden.

- Set Caden up in his high chair outside the bathroom and jump into the shower. After showering, bring Caden into the kitchen so I can iron some clothes to wear. Fold a basket of clothes as well.

- Go into the bedroom to get dressed and check in on Scott. He has a fever and isn't feeling well at all. I decide that I have to stay home from work so I can take care of him AND take care of the boys.

- Get Scott some juice and then send out a long email to my boss and coworkers saying I wouldn't be in and passing along info on meetings I'll miss and projects that I was working on. Make arrangements to have some things printed out and passed along to the appropriate people and give my "2 cents" on the meetings I'd be missing.

- Dry my hair and feed Caden breakfast.

- Check email while trying to keep Caden away from the computer.

- Check in on Scott. Play with Caden. Change his diaper. Check email again. IM with some co-workers.

- 10:00: Scott gets up and I put Caden down for a morning nap. Update my list.

- Spent my quiet time posting to my blog. That is a good thing to do on my "day off." Keep feeling like I'm catching up and then I realize I have another week to go. Why does time have to keep passing by?

- Chat with coworkers via IM and respond to some work emails.

- Scott reminds me it's time to pick up Walker at the bus. I'm not usually home on his half-days, so I didn't know exactly what time to pick him up...DOH!

- Get Walker from the bus. He was very happy to see me. Stop and pull out a trash can because someone had dropped a couple of bags of trash at the corner of our house a few days ago and no one else had picked them up yet. Turned around to find Walker peeing on the lawn!!! WHO TAUGHT HIM THAT??? Sigh! Yell at Walker and pick up the trash and put the barrel back before heading into the house. BOYS!

- Made another blog entry and checked work email again.

- Checked in on Caden, he's still sleeping...he's been napping for 2 hours!

- Dishes! Cleaned out the flatware draw.

- Caden got up. Took him out of the crib and let him play. Rescued Walker's toys from Caden and then put him in his high chair to eat Cheerios while I made lunch for Walker: peanut butter and jelly and apples.

- Made soup for myself to eat.

- Made soup for Scott and then fed Caden.

- Emptied the trash and took the recyclibles out. Checked email. And then let Caden "free". He chased his brother around the house for a little while.

- Changed Cade's diaper and clothes while Walker colored at the coffee table. Caden started to get into his stuff, so I moved Walker to "higher ground." Got Caden a bottle and then plugged in my flat iron so I could FINALLY do my hair...only 2:00 in the afternoon...

- Did my make-up. Went into the living room and played with the boys for a bit and then turned on the Wiggles ON-Demand (Walker asked for them!) and then sat in the rocking chair with Caden while he drank his bottle. I think I may have fallen asleep for a couple of minutes.

- Caden wanted to get down, so let him play and I popped on the computer. Reviewed some HP sign layouts that Lianne sent along to me and sent back my comments.

- Made another Blog posting. Now up to November one more week to catch up with...sigh

- Trimmed Caden and Walker's nails...I know, so exciting!

- Munched on Cheetos with Caden and then gave him a bottle of juice while I loaded the dishwasher. Then got Walker some paper, sissors, and a glue stick so he could "make planets".

- Caden is cranky, so try to entertain him and keep him out of trouble. Finally put him down on the living room floor with a bottle of juice and then help Walker get some markers that have fallen behind the couch.

- Go in and check on Scott. He's awake, but he still has a pretty high fever :( Give him a glass of juice and some Tylenol. He'll need to get up and watch the boys for a little while when I go out for Walker's Parent/Teacher meeting..

- Get ready to head to meet Walker's teacher.

- Stopped for coffee on the way to Walker's school. Met with his teacher. She said he was "a pleasure to have in class," but wasn't very social with the other kids. Also, he didn't remember things the way he should. She also said he scored a 0 on his literacy test. Typically the school system would pull him out for special classes at this point, but because of budget cut-backs they have less specialists to go around. I wonder if there are any programs like "Silvanian" for kindergarterners?

- Got home and got a bottle for Caden and ended up spilling a cup of ice coffee, that Scott had in the fridge, all over the floor. Cleaned that up after putting Caden down in the living room and then got dinner for Walker. Chatted with Scott about Walker's teacher report and sat on the couch with Walker to look at his class picture (which he wasn't in because he was out sick that day) and asked him if he remembered the names of the kids in the picture. He only remembered about half out of 18. I asked if there were any that he liked as a friend and he point at a couple of boys and a girl. Walker's teacher suggests trying to set up a "play date" with some of the kids he's friendly with.

- Walker stated he needed to "poop" and went into the bathroom while Scott and I chatted. I put Caden in his crib, because he was acting very cranky. He just kept crying.

- Walker finished in the bathroom and said he then wanted to go to was only 7:15??? I told him to put on his PJs while I went and got Caden out of the crib. I sat in the living room rocking Caden until Walker was done and he said he wanted me to tuck him in and read him a story. I asked if he was sure he was ready for bed. He hadn't even eaten a quarter of his dinner. He kept saying he wanted to go to bed. I gave Caden to Scott and went and tucked Walker into bed after reading him a bedtime story.

- I came back into the living room and Scott had put Caden back in the crib. He said he had fallen asleep on his lap. We sat in the living room for a few minutes chatting. I was concerned that both boys went to bed so early, but Scott said that neither had an afternoon nap as they usually do, so that is probably why they were tired.

- I popped on the computer, but Caden started to cry again. I went in and got him and put him in his high chair and then went down stairs and switched out a load of laundry. I came back up and folded the blankets that I took out of the dryer while Caden munched on crackers.

- I then fed Caden some dinner and washed bottles while he munched on some more crackers and I watched Extra.

- 7:50: popped on the computer to update my list before getting Caden ready to go down for the night.

- Put Caden in his PJs and let him play around the living room for awhile. Put him to bed about 8:20 and then went and started dinner.

- Brought Scott dinner and sat on the couch and ate it with him...and of course...fell asleep.

- 12:30: Walker wakes up. I cuddle with him on the couch for a few minutes and he falls asleep. He felt warm. I think he has a fever. I pick him up and put him back to bed. I go to bed as well. It was a VERY LONG DAY.

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