- 6-something, Walker wakes back up and says "Mamma, it's morning, I want to watch cartoons now." I look at the clock and it's in the 6 o'clock hour so I say "fine" and turn on Clone Wars which he missed the night before.
- I try to go back to sleep, but Caden wakes up just before 7. Get him out of the crib, change his diaper and let him play. Jump on the computer to see what happened on Facebook. Exchange more emails with my neighbor about moving. Set Walker up in the kitchen to play with some toys on the table that Caden can't get into. Put Caden in his high chair to eat Cheerios and drink a bottle.
- Play around online while being interrupted by the boys to get them something or out of something and waking up Scott.
- Fed the boys breakfast. Changed diapers. Played with the boys. Sat and cuddled on the couch watching the neighbors move while Caden drank his bottle.
- Washed bottles. Swept the kitchen floor. Picked up toys. Folded clothes...I'm sure all these will have to be repeated again sometime today.
- 10:15: Hoping Caden will go down for a nap soon so I can go take a shower in peace. Did more bottle washing and folding of clothes. Picked up more toys, only for Walker to empty more on the floor...sigh.
- Got Caden down for a nap and took a shower. Packed Caden's bag. Found some "fun" Star Wars themed clothes to wear to the concert today. Dried my hair and put on my make up. Got Walker dressed.
- Caden got up and I got him dressed. Helped Walker find "arms" for his Lego guys. Checked email and saw that a few other friends are also going to the SW concert today.
- Scott got home. Finished getting ready to go to the concert and then packed up the boys into the car. Dropped Caden off with my parents and headed to the T to take the train into town.
- Walker was very excited to take the train. He had asked Scott the other day if we could go on a train. There were lots of other people and children on the train heading the same place we were. Walker still didn't know what his "surprise" was, but he was pretty sure it had to do with "Star Wars" as we were all wearing SW clothes...plus he knows it's ALWAYS Star Wars - lol!
- We got to the Garden and headed up. We saw some exhibit cases of Star Wars costumes and when we made it up to the concourse level, we found many of our friends in their Star Wars costumes. We first ran into Aaron in this Biker Scout and then Terry as Mon Mothma. We saw Darth Vader and some stormtroopers from afar, but the concourse area was MOBBED and everyone was trying to get close to the costumed characters. We decided to head to our seat about 25 minutes before the show started and was able to squeeze in and say "Hi" to "Commander Gree" (aka Sean) on the way.
- We had GREAT seats. We were at the far end of the "court" and in the first row, so we had no one in front of us. It was perfect. Walker noticed it looked like "Star Wars" right off the bat. "Look Mom, it's the Death Star!" While we sat there they played different SW sounds like lightsabers, ships, and Wookiees. He was getting VERY excited, and so were we :)

- Before the show started we saw that our 501st friends were in the section next to us. They had pretty good seats as well. Scott had wanted to troops the event, but once he got the flu, he knew he wouldn't have the energy. We had bought our tickets weeks ago, only because we wanted to bring Walker and we weren't sure what the plans were for trooping the Garden. It was better to be safe than sorry.

- The show started off with a BANG...kicking right off into the 20th Century Fox theme and into the Star Wars theme...including "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" appearing on the large IMAX screen in front of us. It was AWESOME. As soon as the Star Wars logo appeared on the screen, the crowd went wild...as usual, I got emotional. I don't know what it is, but whenever I see those words on the screen it sends me right back to when I was 6. Whenever I see a new Star Wars movie with Walker it makes me even more emotional, because I know he's just excited as I was 30 years ago. It's amazing!
- The show was wonderful. It was such a different way to re-see the films. The story is "retold" via a narration from Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) and the music of the film. Each music score/theme is accompanied by clips of all 6 movies re-edited together to go along with the music. It was great to see, say, all the Anakin clips from Episode 1 - 3 combined together. You really got to see how his transformation happened AND how it really DOES all flow together. It was also cool to see scenes from the Original Trilogy combined with the Prequals. There IS a common thread that goes through-out all the films and this "version" of the story really high-lights that. At the end, I was left amazed that I could re-experience a story I have seen so many times over the past 30 years and that it really felt "new."
- Walker was pretty tired by the time the concert was over. He hadn't had his daily nap and he was getting pretty cranky, but when we started leaving he did want to see some of the costumes that were on exhibit. We fought the crowds and were able to get up to some of the cases he wanted to see. We also ran into several friends that were also at the concert. It always amazes me that in a crowd of 10s of thousands of people, you can STILL cross paths with those people that you know.
- On the way out of the Garden we did come across Commander Gree again and we waved "goodbye." We then stopped at the Dunkin Donuts counter as I hadn't really had anything to eat since breakfast and my head was POUNDING!!! I figured a cup of coffee may help. We ran into more friends in the Dunkin's line and chatted with them for a bit. I got stopped by a few people who were coming and going to tell me they loved my skirt and wanted to know where I got it. I explained that I made it from old Star Wars T-shirts and they were very impressed. It's one of my favorite items I've made as well :)
- We then headed back to the train. We took the Green Line to the Red and Walker promptly fell asleep once the Red Line started moving. We got back to the Braintree T and Scott carried Walker to the car and we went to pick up Caden at my parents.
- We visited with my mom for a little while, but Walker was cranky, and Scott and I were HUNGRY. We decided to "risk" going out for dinner because otherwise we'd probably just end up with greasy subs for dinner if we went home.
- We went to Uno's and the boys were good for the most part, Caden was tired as he didn't nap either and was the first to get cranky. We did manage to eat ALL our dinner then headed home.
- Caden was VERY cranky in the car, so I dropped Scott off with the boys at home and then drove to the store to pick-up baby food and milk.
- When I got home Caden was in bed and Walker was again cranky. He wanted to stay up and Watch TV, but I told him it was late and he had to go to bed. I read him a bedtime story and then kissed him goodnight.
- Scott and I cuddled on the couch. My head wasn't pounding as bad as it had been earlier in the evening, but it was still aching. I quickly fell asleep on the couch.
- 12:30: I wake up to Caden crying. Scott isn't on the couch so I figure he's trying to take care of Caden. He walks through the room and goes into the bedroom with a bottle. He comes back out again and Cade is still crying. I suggest that maybe he needs to be changed. Scott grumbles and goes back into the room. I lay on the couch for a few more minutes trying to wake up and then finally head for the bedroom. Scott comes out with a defeated look on his face and says he doesn't know what's wrong. I go in and take Caden out of the crib and just rock him for a little while. He settles down, but when I put him back in the crib and cries again.
- I take Caden into the living room and rock him in the glider. He's very tired, but won't close his eyes. He's not hot. We think he's just over tired. I finally get him to take a bottle of juice and settle down. I put him back in the crib and find that Scott is asleep on the couch. I don't want to go back into the bedroom just yet, because I don't know if Caden is fully asleep, so I grab a pillow and a blanket and lay on the floor. That is where I end up sleeping for the rest of the night.
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