Saturday, November 21, 2009



- ROUGH MORNING...Caden didn't sleep well AT ALL. He was up numerous time and just cried. He didn't have a fever, but he was stuffy, so it could just be a cold thing. Most of the night was a blur, but he was up from basically 3:00 to 4:30. We gave him a bottle and he just cried. I took him of the crib and laid with him in the bed and he fell asleep, but when I moved him to the crib, he woke up again. I let him cry for about a half hour and he didn't seem to let up, so I got out of the bed and brought him into the living room. Scott moved to the bedroom and I cuddled with Caden on the couch. he finished a bottle of juice, and then was wide awake. He just wanted to sit there and clap. Eventually he wanted to get down and play. I was too tired to fight him, so I let him crawl around for a little bit while I sat on the rocking chair and tried to stay awake. I eventually got him on my lap and rocked him a bit until he started to look tired. Finally I was too tired, so I decided to try and put him in the crib again. This time he didn't cry and I went back to bed. A half hour later, Scott started coughing and it the noise woke Caden up again...SIGH! he didn't totally wake up, with was good, and Scott moved back to the living room and slept the rest of the night on the couch.

- Alarm clock eventually went off at 6:15 and I hit the snooze button 3 or 4 times before getting up. Caden didn't flitch...of course.

- It was closing in on 7:00 and Walker wasn't awake yet. I opened his bedroom door and got his clothes together. Went into his room just past 7:00 and tried to get him up, but he was VERY groggy. Had to tickle, kiss, and wiggle him to finally get him up. Noticed that is was almost 10 past 7, and he had to be to the bus stop in 10 minutes. Helped him get dressed and then went into the kitchen to put his lunch in his lunch box and realized Scott hadn't prepared his lunch. I ran into the living room and told Scott he had to get up and help Walker get ready because I had to make his lunch. Cut up apples, made a sandwich, put some carrots and crackers in bags and put it all into his lunch box. Scott got Walker's shoes and jacket on and they were out the door by 7:19.

- Scott got back in the house and laid back down in the bed while I took a shower and got ready for work. Caden was STILL sleeping.

- Got out of the shower and got dressed. Dried my hair and put on my make-up. Got out of the bathroom and could hear Caden chatting in his crib. Took him out and he had leaked. Changed his diaper and his clothes. Woke Scott up to move his car and then headed into work...20 minutes late!


- Got into the office, turned on the computer, and IMed a coworker who was out yesterday, but was in today. I wanted to update her on a meeting I had the day before, so we went down to get coffee together and we had about a 20 minute meeting.

- Got back up to the office and had a round-table conversation about a project that our department is struggling with. Had an additional conversation with my boss about two upcoming meetings today.

- Updated my list.

- Went to a meeting about some language for an invite, but the client didn't show, so we headed back to the our office. Had a short chat with my boss about an another upcoming meeting today.

- 10:45: back to my desk!

- 11:00 - 12:00: Design Challenges Magnets: finalizing design options and then trouble-shooting printing issues I was having...WHY isn't my white text PRINTING???

- Reviewed a program layout that the design intern worked on earlier in the week and marked up some changes. Sent the magnet designs to the client for her feedback.

- 12:10: LUNCH! Checked out FB and updated Caden's Birthday Party blog entry to include photos, now that I've downloaded them off the camera.

- Got a response from the client on the magnet designs and sent back an email asking for a final decision.

- 1:30: Monthly meeting with the Museum's COO.

- Chatted with the print shop supervisor. Did a sample print of a project I'm working on. And started working on a membership promotional poster.

- Chatted with the Managing Editor about some changes to the February/March issue of Sparks.

- Updated my time log.

- Attended the Weekly Coordinator Meeting.

- Checked email. Met a print rep down in the lobby to get a CD of art. Came back up to the office and got ready to go: 4:15


- Got home about 20 minutes late. Came into the house, Caden was crawling around and Walker was curled up on the couch under blankets. I said "Honey, are you tired?" and he said "I don't feel well." My mother-in-law said he was fine when he got off the bus, but he started complaining he was sick when they were at Target. They got home and he just climbed on the couch and under the covers.

- I chatted with my mother-in-law for a little while and gave her some clothes to pass on to my brother-in-law for his new baby and she headed home.

- I wanted to go to my the craft show that my sister was doing tonight, but with Walker being sick, it didn't look like that was going to be possible. I called my parents too see if they could watch him while I went to the craft show. My mom wanted to go as well, so we planned to go together and leave Walker with my dad, but Walker didn't like that idea, so we ended up bringing him.

- My mom pushed Walker around in an umbrella stroller and I carried Caden. The show was really small, so we walked around it quickly. Caden was getting fidgety and Walker REALLY wasn't feeling well. My mom and I bought some raffle tickets and then we headed out.

- I dropped my mom off at home and then brought the boys home. Walker went straight for the couch and I changed him into his PJs. He said he wanted dinner, but ended up falling asleep before I could get it for him.

- Changed into my own PJs. Changed Caden into his PJs and put him into his high chair and gave him some crackers and Cheerios while I checked FB and updated my list.

- Fed Caden while we watched Survivor.

- Put Caden to bed. Sat on the couch to watch Survivor in the peace and quiet. Started to watch CSI and fell asleep. Scott called and woke me up. He was running an errand. I told him I was very tired, so he decided to pick-up his own dinner.

- Scott got home and moved Walker to his bed, as he was still sleeping on the couch. I had fallen asleep myself, and woke up half-way through The Mentalist. I finished watching it and fell asleep...I was too tired even for dinner :(

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