Thursday, November 5, 2009


- Got the boys dressed and ready to head out early. Scott, Walker, and I were going to participate in the Woburn Halloween Parade.

- Got out the door by 9:30 (very early for a Sunday) and headed to my sister's house to drop off Caden. Made a quick stop at Dunkin Donuts for breakfast and then off to Woburn.

- Arrived at the parade staging area just before 11:00 and then hung out for about an hour chatting with friends before Scott got into his costume and we all gathered over by our floats.

- Stood around and WAITED for about 2 hours before it was our turn to step out on the parade route.

- It was the perfect day for a parade: 65 and sunny. Our group was a big hit with a squad of Clone Troopers, a gaggle of Jedi, General Grievious on the back of a pick-up flanked by two battle droids and starring down Yoda (statue), followed by one of the coolest Endor floats you'd ever seen that contained 5 Ewoks, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, R2-D2 and C-3PO. And coming up behind an assortment of Stormtroopers, Biker Scouts, Royal Guards, Officers and of course Vader. The whole onsamble got a massive cheer as we went by.

Endor Float

Clone Troopers

Battle Droids

Young Star Wars fans excited to see the Star Wars groups passing by.

- I walked the edge as a "wrangler" and made sure we didn't loose anyone and that spectators pushed back clear of our Endor float. Walker road in the back seat of the General Grievious' truck with our friend Jodi.

Me "wrangling" at the Woburn Halloween Parade

All photos were taking by members of the New England Garrison. To see more, visit:

- We got to the end of route just around 4:00. We packed up as many troopers into the bed of the pick-up that we could and we drove…very slooooowly… back to the staging area so we could all get back to our cars.

- Joined about 25 members of our group at the Burlington Mall for food at the Food Court. Then back in our car and off to pick up Caden from Auntie Kellie's.

- Traffic was REALLY bad as they are doing road work on route 93, so it took us longer than we liked to get to my sister's house.

- Got Caden and headed home with the boys. Swung by my parent's house so Scott could pick up his car...that my dad try to fix all day, but couldn't figure out what the problem was. I drove the boys home and Scott went and grabbed some Thai food for the two of us to eat later. I fed the boys and Scott put them to bed.

- Sat on the couch with Scott around 10:00 and ate dinner and watched Sunday Night Football. Tried to stay up for "Sports Final" on channel 4, but never made it.

- Scott did move me to the bed at some point, but I was woken up by Walker around 3:30 because he peed his pants and I had to change his clothes. I was too tired to unmake and remake his bed, so I got us both settled on the couch and we both fell back to sleep.

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