- Got back home. Dressed Caden. Woke up Scott so we could chat for a few minutes before I had to head out the door for a 9:00 massage appointment I had in Taunton. 8:05: Out the door. Stopped for gas and breakfast. On the road to Taunton. Arrived just before 9:00. Had a nice relaxing massage with Stacy...my only relaxing hour of the day.
- 10:10: Back in the car and headed home to meet up with Scott so we could take Caden to his 1 year check-up. Hit traffic on Route 24 as a tractor trailer carry a bunch of produce fell on it's side at exit 20. Decided to take the back roads and ended up detourning past IKEA and past the Randolph movie there until I could hook back up with route 93.
- Got back home at 11:15 and Scott and Caden got into the car and we headed to the appointment. Sat around the waiting room for 15 minutes before they were ready to see us. Caden got weighed and measured by the nurse. The Doctor came in and checked everything else and said he was right on track. The nurse returned with two shots, one of which was the flu shot, but not the N1H1...we don't want to get it...we don't trust it yet. Caden screamed and then we had to calm him down and get him dressed. Headed back home.
- I called my dad on the way home to see how my mother was doing as she went in for surgery today. He said she was fine and resting. Got back home at 12:45. Scott jumped in his car to run some errands and I took Caden to Walmart to get diapers. I picked up a card and plant for my mom as I planned to stop by later in the day.
- Got back home just about 2:00 and waited till it was time to go out and get Walker at the bus stop. Met Walker and we came back home. I made myself a PB&J for lunch and Walker watched some TV. I put Caden down for a nap and FINALLY got around to making an invite for Caden's 1 year birthday...which is going to be this upcoming Saturday. I sent it via a new e-invite site a friend had passed along to me: http://www.paperlesspost.com/

- Scott took a nap for a half hour and then woke up and took Walker off to kung fu for his class. I checked in on email and FB. My dad called and said that my mom wasn't up for visitors tonight, so I called Scott and told him I'd be in for class.
- Caden got up and FINALLY I caught up with my lists...WAY behind.
- 5:30: Pack up and take Caden to kung fu so I can take class.
Never got around to finishing my list for Monday. I may have had the day off from work, but it wasn’t any less busy…probably MORE busy. At least it started off with a massage.
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