Saturday, September 26, 2009

Thursday 9/24/09 - WORK DAY

- Got to work around 8:45. Caught up on some more emails and chatted with Lianne a bit about work and non-work related stuff.

- Struggled to come to grips if I was being "hyper-sensitive" about a comment I got from someone and trying to let it roll off my back.

- Picked up a check from accounting. Checked email again. Realized a meeting that I thought I had this morning got rescheduled. Chatted with my boss about how he inspired me to start this damn blog. It's now 9:39

- Consulted with a MarCom editor and passed along art direction to our department intern.

- Filled out my timesheet.

- Wasted to much time on email, because someone in the MOS sent me an email about "Star Wars: In Concert" that I REALLY want to go to.

- Made a "To Do" list, but then got distracted by some junk food that a coworker brought in, and then chatted with a fellow designer about a photo she had edited that had a girl who had a Cheeto smudge on her face...which was one of the junk food items.

- Pulled up files for a mini-poster I need to print and called the printer to inquire about printing specs.

- 10:28 checked email and sent out a couple of quick responses.

- Finalize Women In Science invite and prepare it for print....but was "bamboozled" by the stock photography site I need to download a high-res photo from. Delay, delay, delay...

- 10:40 back to Mini-poster. Sent trial print to the color printer. Reviewed intern's YVT layouts.

- Sent "Finals" to client for WIS invite.

- 11:00 met with JC about design assignments

- Sent mini-poster to final print and reply to emails.

- Reviewed some form layouts that were sent along.

- Had a lunch meeting with one of our printers and our whole department to talk about recycled paper options. Got some good treats!

- OMG, I lost an hour. I have no idea what I did between 1:00 and 2:00.

- Had a design assignment meeting with the design team and discussed projects they were working on.

- Brainstormed with the design team on an event program project.

- Checked email, reviewed projects, tried to plan for "tomorrow" before I headed out the door at 3:30.

- Drove home and was glad for no real traffic.

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