Monday, September 28, 2009

SUNDAY - 9/27/09

- Was woken up at 6:00 by Walker who said he needed cough medicine.

- After sending Scott to go give him medicine (was hoping he could give it to him and then Walker could crawl into bed with us to sleep a little longer -- it's still dark at 6:00) Caden woke up (plan wasn't going to work).

- Got out of bed, got Caden out of the crib and brought both boys into the living room.

- Turned on cartoons for the boys. Found a warm sweatshirt to put on (it feels very chilly in the house, even though the thermostat says it's 69 degrees). Got Walker a cup of milk. Brushed my teeth. Listened to Walker go on about not feeling well and not going to school tomorrow.

- Decided to catch up on Facebook, was interrupted by Caden bumping his head. Consoled him and then made him a bottle and settled him in the living room to drink his bottle and watch cartoons.

- Talked with Walker some more about whether he'd be going to school tomorrow and tried to make him understand that he just needed to rest and we'd see how he felt tomorrow morning.

- Got back to the computer: 6:35.

- Checked in on my blog and see if I've gotten any replies. Got a very nice and thoughtful one from my friend Jan and posted a reply.

- Woke up the hubby to get ready for work (he has a couple of private classes to teach this morning)

- Tried to find something else for Walker to watch on TV. He requested a movie he had watched on the Disney Channel the day before but after looking through On Demand, doesn't look to be something we can "choose" to watch. Finally settled on Tom & Jerry (yeah, it's a classic, but he LOVES it).

- Played with Caden on the couch for a little bit while we watched T&J.

- Helped Walker put a sticker on his calendar (he's counting the days till Halloween)

- Got back on the computer to finally catch up (in time) on my blog and post Saturday's list on Sunday morning!

- Caden leaked so had to strip him down and put all new PJs on him (it's too early to try and find actual "clothes" to put on him...yaaawn)

- Turned on a "The Clone Wars" episode for Walker after T&J was over and gave a kiss to Scott as he headed off to teach.

- Played with the boys.

- Took a break to give Caden some Cheerios and make a bowl of them for myself as well. Walker only wanted another cup of milk.

- Explained to Walker that I still love Caden, but I get made when he bites and that is why I was talking sternly to him. Biting is bad!

- Fed Caden breakfast and watched some news.

- Did some kitchen chores: dishes, swept the floor, emptied the trash...all the while entertaining Caden in his highchair.

- Checked in on a friends Blog.

- Got Caden settled with a bottle in his highchair so I could iron Scott's clothes for this afternoon's wedding: 9:00

- Put Caden down in his crib, settled Walker on the computer with Star Wars Lego YouTube videos, and jumped into the shower and listened to some "sports talk" on the radio.

- Gave Walker clothes to put on and dressed myself and dried my hair.

- Caden woke up and took him out of the crib and got him dressed.

- Scott got home and got ready for the wedding and helped finished getting the boys ready while I did my make-up.

- Packed Caden's bag to head over to Nana and Papa's for the day.

- Looked up directions to Gardner MA where the wedding was being held and loaded everyone into the car to head Nana and Papa's: 10:55.

- Got to my parents' house and unloaded the boys, gave them quick kisses and told them both to be good and then got into my dad's car (that we were borrowing for the drive out to Gardner) and hit the road.

- Made a quick trip to Dunkin Donuts for a late morning breakfast sandwich for the trip and some coffee. We needed the energy for the road trip which would be about an hour and a half drive.

- Drove to Gardner and spent the hour and a half chatting with one another without interruptions from the "back seat." It was NICE! Picked my football teams for the pool I'm doing with my brother and father. And I talked about my blog and the feedback I've gotten and how I'm hoping it will help me and maybe it will help others. Plus it's plain fun!

- Got to the wedding reception site at 12:45, got lei-ed (it was a Hawaiian themed wedding) and gathered with friends and chatted while we waiting for the wedding to begin.

- Enjoyed my friend James' wedding and hanging out with friends. Shared LOTS of laughs and did a little dancing (chicken dancing - lol). Enjoyed the meal and cake. It was a fun day!

- Tracked the Patriots' game via texts from my mom -- PATRIOTS WIN 26 - 10 -- YAY!

- Headed back home at 5:30...listed to reports on the Patriots game and made notes about other team scores for our football pool. Made a quick stop to fill up my dad's gas tank. And got back to my parents' at 7:00 (an hour later than we had planned).

- Looked up the final scores on the days football games and market all the sheets to see how many each of us got right. With two more games to go this week (Sunday and Monday night's games), my brother has the most with 12 correct; I have 8; and my dad has 7 (though my mom picked his games because he wasn't feeling well today).

- Got home around 7:45. Turned cartoons on for the boys while I got out of my dress clothes and put on sweats.

- Made Caden a bottle and got him into his pajamas and put him to bed.

- Got on the computer to update my list.

- Put Walker in the tub while Scott prepared Walker's lunch for tomorrow and repacked Caden's diaper bag.

- Got back on the computer to check in on FB while Walker played in the bath (I can see him from where I sit at the computer).

- Sent out some birthday wishes and then washed Walker's hair. Let him continue to play while I play on the computer for a little longer and Scott headed out to pick up dinner - pad Thai from Sweet Lemons in Weymouth.

- Started a long over do "Good Things" post on FB.

- Got Walker out of the bathtub, dried him off, and got him into his PJs. Got him a cup of milk and let him finish watching Dora (DVRed it when he went into the tub).

- Cleaned up the bath toys and emptied the tub.

- Back to my "Good Things" list.

- Made plans with a friend to pick up a couch that her friend is giving us.

- Tucked Walker into bed: 9ish.

- Enjoy dinner of Pad Thai with Scott and watching Amazing Race (which had been recording via DVR since 8:30ish).

- Finished watching the Amazing Race and turned on Sunday Night Football. Scott cleaned up our dinner and I fell asleep on the couch some time around 10:30.

- Woke up on the couch at 11:45ish...groggily tried to scan through the past our or so via the DVR to watch the 11:00 o'clock news (which came on a little past 11 because of the football game). Caught bits and pieces and I drifted in and out of sleep. Scott then took the remote and turned on his video game and I got up to brush my teeth and then add these last few items to "my list."

- Checked email and FB.

- 12:30am: Just remembered I had a dr. appointment in the morning at 9:00. Have to check my work Meeting Maker to see what else I have scheduled in the morning and send an email to my boss and coworkers that I'll be in late.

- 12:38: Bed!

- Awakened by Caden crying at 2:00. Scott made him a bottle while I consoled him and settled him down. Gave him the bottle that Scott made and put him back to bed and went back to bed myself.


  1. Hi Lori, you had a busy day! It doesn't leave much room for sleeping.

  2. LOL! Yeah, on average, probably 5 or 6 hours a night. But I've always been that way.
