Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Monday 9/28/09 - AFTER WORK

- Had a quick chat with my boss about a cartoon clipping he gave me and gave him an update on couple of meetings/discussions I've had.

- Got in my car and muched on Doritos while I drove home and listed to sports talk.

- Got to the kung fu studio about 6:20. Sat and played with Caden, talked with Walker about what he did at school today, and chatted with Scott about how the boys were for him.

- Packed the boys up and loaded into the car and headed to Walmart to pick up some formula, food, and diapers. Listened to Walker explain to me that we'd go back to Walmart the tomorrow night and he could by a "monster" and I kept saying "No, if you go to school all week and you're a good boy, I'll buy you one over the weekend." He finally he decided he'd just buy his own toy. I told him that was fine, but he still had to wait till the weekend.

- Got to Walmart, picked up what I needed. Took a quick walk through the toy department so Walker could tell me what it was that he wanted...when we came back to by him something. I explained that he'd need to save up $10 to buy the toy he wanted, and that lead into a discussion about what "saving" was.

- Headed to the check out. Walker asked for a candy, I said "fine" and somehow we ended up checking out with a Hot Wheels car. How did he finagle that? I don't know, but it cost the same as a candy bar, and is probably better for his long as he doesn't try to eat it.

- Got the boys back in the car. Walker discovered one of the Lego figures he brought into the car at kung fu was missing and I tried to reassure him we'd find it when we got home.

- Drove home...still listening to Walker going on about buying a toy "tomorrow." Then it switched to "Mama, you're right, kindergarten is fun, but I still get sad." And that led into a discussion about "happy" vs. "sad" and how "happy" was a better emotion. Not sure if he bought into what I was saying.

- 7:45: Got home, unloaded the boys into the house. Turned on Dora the Explorer while I updated my list (can only keep so many items in my head for so long), but keep getting interrupted by Walker who want me to help count the money in his piggy bank and asking "is this a big one or a little one" as he holds up each coin.

- Counted coins with Walker and explained how 4 quarters equaled $1. Walker is 75¢ short of the $10 he needs to by the toy he wants. Looks like I'll be searching pockets around the house for some quarters.

- Set the DVR to record Dancing with the Stars.

- Changed Caden and got him settled in his high chair so that I can go looking for those 3 quarters.

- Fed Caden while watching Dancing with the Stars in the kitchen, then put away the items that I bought at Walmart.

- Got out of my work clothes and into some comfy sweats.

- Washed bottles (while watching DWTS).

- Got Walker a cup of milk and a handful of chocolate chips (that is his dessert, he doesn't eat cookies or cakes).

- Took Caden out of his chair to play around on the floor for a little while before getting him into his PJs and putting him to bed.

- Changed Cade's bum again and put him in pajamas. Time to put him to bed: 8:35.

- 8:45: Checked email and Facebook.

- 9:00: make shopping list to pass on to Scott when he calls in a little while.

- Back to Email and FB.

- 9:25: cuddle with Walker on the couch and read him a story before putting him to bed.

- Tucked Walker into bed. Gave Scott the shopping list over the phone.

- Folded laundry while watching Dancing with the Stars and Castle.

- Scott came home from food shopping. Helped him put away the groceries...while I continued to watch Castle in the kitchen.

- Made dinner: turkey and cheese melts and mac & cheese (yeah, I know, that is alot of cheese).

- 11:00: sat down in the living room to eat dinner, watch the news, and catch up with Scott on the happenings of the day.

- Quick check of email.

- 11:30: back to the couch to watch Letterman and probably fall asleep while cuddling with the hubby. (YUP, I DID!)

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