- Got up around 7:30 (cause the 6 year old was sleeping at his grandparents and that means the almost-2 year old will sleep later).
- Changed Caden and got him settled with cartoons.
- Opened mail from the day before and organized some some bills.
- Gave the hubby a kiss as he headed off to work and a day with guys.
- Got Caden some juice.
- Checked email and did some FBing
- Started sorting socks.
- Got Caden some more juice.
- Put shoes on myself and Caden and went out for a morning walk down to Dunkin Donuts where we grabbed an egg and cheese bagel and sat there to eat it. Then stopped at CVS on the way home to pick up milk.
- Got home and checked back in on FB.
- Made a 2010 Football Pool chart for me and my dad, for today's game.
- Did a little promotion of Scott's kung fu school on FB.
- Cut up some apples for Caden and then picked up some toys.
- Finished sorting a basket of socks.
- Changed Caden's diaper and put him down for a nap.
- Jumped in the shower and listened to some football talk on the radio.
- Got out of the shower and decided to post this list...11:08
- It's been a while...and I couldn't actually find my blog - DOH! - and once I did I had to remember how to post something. Here, now it's posted...11:17.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Walker woke me up before dawn. He wanted to watch cartoons and I told him "no." We cuddled for a little while, but eventually he as too squirmy, so I gave up and turned on the TV...around 5:30ish I believe.
6:00: Walker wakes me up again complaining he's hungry. I tell him to go get a juice box and some crackers. He says "no." I tell him then he'll just have to wait, I'm just too tired to get up.
6:45: He wakes me up yet again and I finally get up and give him milk and some fruit snacks (he likes those in the morning). I go back to bed around 7:00 and manage to sleep for another hour--Lucky me!
8:15: Get out of the bed after laying in it awake for 15 minutes or so. Caden is calling from his crib, so I figure I better get him. Scott and I are both amazed he's slept so long this morning. I walk into the room and find him soaked from a leaky diaper. I take him out, change his diaper and clothes, and he's off and running. I got get Caden a bottle of milk and settle him in the living room to do some coloring (he loves to color) and I pop on the computer to see what's new.
8:30: Scott gets up to get ready for work. Caden, who was now on the couch, is making whining noises as he's stuck in the plushness of the couch and can't sit up. I go over to help him out and then Walker joins us and soon all three of us are having a pillow fight on the couch. Caden was getting a kick out of it and enjoying throwing the couch's throw-pillows around. It was a wonderful activity on a beautiful spring morning.
The pillow fight wrapped up once Caden decided that he'd start throwing other things besides pillows...like water bottles and cups. I settled him back down on the couch to drink his bottle and popped back on the computer to look at some pictures that a friend of mine working in Afghanistan had posted.
Walker wanted to play one of his little TV video games, so I set him up on the kitchen TV. He played for a while and then got bored.
I turned the kitchen TV to the news and got Caden breakfast and a bowl of cereal for myself. Turned on Clone Wars for Walker in the living room after looking through the DVR log to find exactly the episode he wanted to watch. It amazes me how he can remember all the details of a Clone Wars episode to explain to me which one he wants to watch, but when I ask him what he did in school that day, he says "I can't remember." KIDS!
I continued to watch the news while I did some cleaning up in the kitchen, including emptying and filling the dishwasher. That would be the ONLY house work I'd get done all day...
I got the boys and myself dressed and we took a walk down the street to the park. It was TOO nice of a day to miss. The temps were going to be in the 70s, and I didn't want to waste it indoors.
We walked down to the park and it was MUCH warmer than I had anticipated. It was BEAUTIFUL out! The walk to the park takes us up a VERY steep hill, and it took us alot of stopping and starting as Walker complained pretty much the whole way, but I just tried to go with the flow and enjoy being outside.
When we got to the park, Walker wanted me to chase him and push him on the swing...but at the same time I had a 17 month old to keep an eye on. I tried to make Walker understand that I had to watch Caden closely. That he had to learn to get himself swinging and he should play with some of the other kids, but he just wanted me. He had "me" for 5 years, so having to share "me" is definitely something he has to get use too. At one point, while I was trying to give Walker a little attention, Caden almost fell down a hill...sigh...the outing to the park was a little on the "stressful" side.

Walker on the swing at Faxon Park

Caden on the swing at Faxon Park
Caden started to get tired so I put him in his stroller with his bottle and that allowed Walker and I to have a little time to play without me being distracted by Caden. That was nice. We played frizbee for a little while. That was fun and not at all stressful.
Walker then had to go pee, so I had to find a big tree for him to hide behind. Well, I guess that is one of the good things about having boys ;)
We then started home, but Walker was REALLY dragging and complaining about being tired. Walker was diagnosed with "Low Muscle Tone" when he was only 4 months old. They don't really know what causes children to have low-tone, but some children suffer from it. Walker has been been getting different sorts of therapy and assistance for it ever since. He's never had alot of stamina for long walks. We probably didn't help the situation as we pushed him around in a stroller much longer than we probably should have. But now that he's 6 and we have another one in a stroller, he's had to do whole lot more walking than he's use too. The walk all the way to the park and all the playing AT the park tuckered him out. I decided that we'd stop and just sit for awhile on the park wall. Walker had brought some action figures to the park, so he played and Caden slept. THAT was RELAXING!
After a little while we headed home. Walker whined the entire time. He was tired and was becoming very cranky. I had to keep encouraging him that he could make it.
When we got home Caden was still sleeping, so I left him in his stroller. Had Walker watch Caden while I ran into the house to get him a drink and a snack. Walker ate his snack at the little table on the porch and I chatted with some neighbors that were out.
Scott arrived home from work and helped pack up Caden's diaper bag and then we got everyone into the car so we could go grab some lunch.
Our regular stop for lunch on Saturdays is Friendly's. It's become almost a tradition. The boy were actually pretty well behaved...they aren't always. Walker brought along some action figures to play with and Caden enjoyed coloring. He LOVE crayons and paper. The service at Friendly's is very rarely stellar, and today was no different. We placed out order as soon as the waitress stopped by our table, but then it took quite a while for the food to arrive. By the time we were finished, Walker was starting to get cranky yet again, though he was trying hard not to be as we told him if he was good he'd be able to get something small at the store later when we went to by some birthday gifts for his cousins.
Before we left, Scott took Walker to the bathroom and Caden and I played at the table. As I took a picture of him coloring he decided he wanted to play with my phone (which I had taken the picture with). I gave him the phone and he quickly realized that if he pushed the big silver button. He took a bunch of phones because I think he liked the "click" sound the camera made. Finally I hit the button to turn off the camera and then before I knew it he had called my friend Aaron on the phone. He answered and I said "Caden wanted to call you." We chatted briefly but Caden started crying because he wanted the phone back.

Caden coloring. He's only 17 months and he's already holding crayons like a big boy.

Caden's first photo: Sippy Cup On Table

Another Caden original: My Perspective of the Table at Friendly's
Scott and I packed the kids back up on the car and weren't on the road long before Walker was out cold. Scott's car had died earlier in the week and he had been looking at cars all week. He wanted to bring me to a couple of places to show me cars he was interested in.
We've narrowed it down to two he's going to try for: A 2001 PT Cruiser or a 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I like the Cruiser myself, but that one is a more expensive. Scott's current (broken) car is a Jeep Grand Cherokee, and he really likes it. I've always wanted a PT Cruiser, and the one he's looking at is in really nice condition. We'll have to see how things work out.

2001 PT Cruiser with only 63,000 miles.
After looking at cars we stopped by Target to pick up some birthday presents for my two nieces who turned 11 and 9 (same birthday, two years apart). We were having a little family birthday at my parents' house later in the day. I picked up some cute little outfits for the girls and some crafting kits. Then it was time for Walker to find his "little toy."
I'm hoping someday he'll have a better understanding about what "little toy" is. It's always the same "Mom, can I get this one?" "No Walker, that one is too expensive." "How about this one?" "No, still too expensive. You can get this, or this, or this." "But I don't like any of those." "Well, that is what is in your price range. Sorry." Then he goes and pouts. Today was a little different as we drove home that if he whined and cried he would get nothing at all. He found one toy he was interested in, but kept looking around. He put that one down and picked up some Matchbox cars that were less expensive (good for me), and then put those down and went for some Pokemon cards (though he has no clue how to play the game, he just likes to look at the pictures) which were even more LESS expensive - YAY! - though some how I still ended up spending $75 by the time I hit the registers...how does that always happen?
We then headed to my parents' house to meet up with the family. It was still a BEAUTIFUL day and we spent much of the time out on my parents back porch. It was definitely a great was to end a beautiful spring day.
Both Walker and Caden spent most of the time running around after the kids. Walker use to cling to me the whole time that we were at family functions. With 8 kids between my two sisters and additional friends and family that would be there as well, Walker would quickly become over-whelmed. It's nice now that he's fine playing with the kids. And Caden is fearless, so most of the time I have to go looking for him from time to time to make sure he's not into something he shouldn't be.
We sang "Happy Birthday" to the Madison and Alyssa and then everyone had some ice cream cake -- YUM! The girls opened their presents and loved the outfits I picked up for them -- YAY!

The Birthday Girls: Alyssa - 9 and Madison - 11

Everyone gathered to sing Happy Birthday.

Caden eating his first Ice Cream Cake.
We headed home close to 9:00. The boys fell asleep on the way home and we put them right to bed. Scott and I settled on the couch, ordered some take-out and ordered a movie On-Demand. It was GI Joe. We hadn't heard good reviews on it, but it was only $5, so we figured it would at least be worth that. I can't say if it was, I fell asleep about 30 or 40 minutes into it. I'll have to check with Scott to see what he thought.
Walker woke me up before dawn. He wanted to watch cartoons and I told him "no." We cuddled for a little while, but eventually he as too squirmy, so I gave up and turned on the TV...around 5:30ish I believe.
6:00: Walker wakes me up again complaining he's hungry. I tell him to go get a juice box and some crackers. He says "no." I tell him then he'll just have to wait, I'm just too tired to get up.
6:45: He wakes me up yet again and I finally get up and give him milk and some fruit snacks (he likes those in the morning). I go back to bed around 7:00 and manage to sleep for another hour--Lucky me!
8:15: Get out of the bed after laying in it awake for 15 minutes or so. Caden is calling from his crib, so I figure I better get him. Scott and I are both amazed he's slept so long this morning. I walk into the room and find him soaked from a leaky diaper. I take him out, change his diaper and clothes, and he's off and running. I got get Caden a bottle of milk and settle him in the living room to do some coloring (he loves to color) and I pop on the computer to see what's new.
8:30: Scott gets up to get ready for work. Caden, who was now on the couch, is making whining noises as he's stuck in the plushness of the couch and can't sit up. I go over to help him out and then Walker joins us and soon all three of us are having a pillow fight on the couch. Caden was getting a kick out of it and enjoying throwing the couch's throw-pillows around. It was a wonderful activity on a beautiful spring morning.
The pillow fight wrapped up once Caden decided that he'd start throwing other things besides pillows...like water bottles and cups. I settled him back down on the couch to drink his bottle and popped back on the computer to look at some pictures that a friend of mine working in Afghanistan had posted.
Walker wanted to play one of his little TV video games, so I set him up on the kitchen TV. He played for a while and then got bored.
I turned the kitchen TV to the news and got Caden breakfast and a bowl of cereal for myself. Turned on Clone Wars for Walker in the living room after looking through the DVR log to find exactly the episode he wanted to watch. It amazes me how he can remember all the details of a Clone Wars episode to explain to me which one he wants to watch, but when I ask him what he did in school that day, he says "I can't remember." KIDS!
I continued to watch the news while I did some cleaning up in the kitchen, including emptying and filling the dishwasher. That would be the ONLY house work I'd get done all day...
I got the boys and myself dressed and we took a walk down the street to the park. It was TOO nice of a day to miss. The temps were going to be in the 70s, and I didn't want to waste it indoors.
We walked down to the park and it was MUCH warmer than I had anticipated. It was BEAUTIFUL out! The walk to the park takes us up a VERY steep hill, and it took us alot of stopping and starting as Walker complained pretty much the whole way, but I just tried to go with the flow and enjoy being outside.
When we got to the park, Walker wanted me to chase him and push him on the swing...but at the same time I had a 17 month old to keep an eye on. I tried to make Walker understand that I had to watch Caden closely. That he had to learn to get himself swinging and he should play with some of the other kids, but he just wanted me. He had "me" for 5 years, so having to share "me" is definitely something he has to get use too. At one point, while I was trying to give Walker a little attention, Caden almost fell down a hill...sigh...the outing to the park was a little on the "stressful" side.

Walker on the swing at Faxon Park

Caden on the swing at Faxon Park
Caden started to get tired so I put him in his stroller with his bottle and that allowed Walker and I to have a little time to play without me being distracted by Caden. That was nice. We played frizbee for a little while. That was fun and not at all stressful.
Walker then had to go pee, so I had to find a big tree for him to hide behind. Well, I guess that is one of the good things about having boys ;)
We then started home, but Walker was REALLY dragging and complaining about being tired. Walker was diagnosed with "Low Muscle Tone" when he was only 4 months old. They don't really know what causes children to have low-tone, but some children suffer from it. Walker has been been getting different sorts of therapy and assistance for it ever since. He's never had alot of stamina for long walks. We probably didn't help the situation as we pushed him around in a stroller much longer than we probably should have. But now that he's 6 and we have another one in a stroller, he's had to do whole lot more walking than he's use too. The walk all the way to the park and all the playing AT the park tuckered him out. I decided that we'd stop and just sit for awhile on the park wall. Walker had brought some action figures to the park, so he played and Caden slept. THAT was RELAXING!
After a little while we headed home. Walker whined the entire time. He was tired and was becoming very cranky. I had to keep encouraging him that he could make it.
When we got home Caden was still sleeping, so I left him in his stroller. Had Walker watch Caden while I ran into the house to get him a drink and a snack. Walker ate his snack at the little table on the porch and I chatted with some neighbors that were out.
Scott arrived home from work and helped pack up Caden's diaper bag and then we got everyone into the car so we could go grab some lunch.
Our regular stop for lunch on Saturdays is Friendly's. It's become almost a tradition. The boy were actually pretty well behaved...they aren't always. Walker brought along some action figures to play with and Caden enjoyed coloring. He LOVE crayons and paper. The service at Friendly's is very rarely stellar, and today was no different. We placed out order as soon as the waitress stopped by our table, but then it took quite a while for the food to arrive. By the time we were finished, Walker was starting to get cranky yet again, though he was trying hard not to be as we told him if he was good he'd be able to get something small at the store later when we went to by some birthday gifts for his cousins.
Before we left, Scott took Walker to the bathroom and Caden and I played at the table. As I took a picture of him coloring he decided he wanted to play with my phone (which I had taken the picture with). I gave him the phone and he quickly realized that if he pushed the big silver button. He took a bunch of phones because I think he liked the "click" sound the camera made. Finally I hit the button to turn off the camera and then before I knew it he had called my friend Aaron on the phone. He answered and I said "Caden wanted to call you." We chatted briefly but Caden started crying because he wanted the phone back.

Caden coloring. He's only 17 months and he's already holding crayons like a big boy.

Caden's first photo: Sippy Cup On Table

Another Caden original: My Perspective of the Table at Friendly's
Scott and I packed the kids back up on the car and weren't on the road long before Walker was out cold. Scott's car had died earlier in the week and he had been looking at cars all week. He wanted to bring me to a couple of places to show me cars he was interested in.
We've narrowed it down to two he's going to try for: A 2001 PT Cruiser or a 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I like the Cruiser myself, but that one is a more expensive. Scott's current (broken) car is a Jeep Grand Cherokee, and he really likes it. I've always wanted a PT Cruiser, and the one he's looking at is in really nice condition. We'll have to see how things work out.

2001 PT Cruiser with only 63,000 miles.
After looking at cars we stopped by Target to pick up some birthday presents for my two nieces who turned 11 and 9 (same birthday, two years apart). We were having a little family birthday at my parents' house later in the day. I picked up some cute little outfits for the girls and some crafting kits. Then it was time for Walker to find his "little toy."
I'm hoping someday he'll have a better understanding about what "little toy" is. It's always the same "Mom, can I get this one?" "No Walker, that one is too expensive." "How about this one?" "No, still too expensive. You can get this, or this, or this." "But I don't like any of those." "Well, that is what is in your price range. Sorry." Then he goes and pouts. Today was a little different as we drove home that if he whined and cried he would get nothing at all. He found one toy he was interested in, but kept looking around. He put that one down and picked up some Matchbox cars that were less expensive (good for me), and then put those down and went for some Pokemon cards (though he has no clue how to play the game, he just likes to look at the pictures) which were even more LESS expensive - YAY! - though some how I still ended up spending $75 by the time I hit the registers...how does that always happen?
We then headed to my parents' house to meet up with the family. It was still a BEAUTIFUL day and we spent much of the time out on my parents back porch. It was definitely a great was to end a beautiful spring day.
Both Walker and Caden spent most of the time running around after the kids. Walker use to cling to me the whole time that we were at family functions. With 8 kids between my two sisters and additional friends and family that would be there as well, Walker would quickly become over-whelmed. It's nice now that he's fine playing with the kids. And Caden is fearless, so most of the time I have to go looking for him from time to time to make sure he's not into something he shouldn't be.
We sang "Happy Birthday" to the Madison and Alyssa and then everyone had some ice cream cake -- YUM! The girls opened their presents and loved the outfits I picked up for them -- YAY!

The Birthday Girls: Alyssa - 9 and Madison - 11

Everyone gathered to sing Happy Birthday.

Caden eating his first Ice Cream Cake.
We headed home close to 9:00. The boys fell asleep on the way home and we put them right to bed. Scott and I settled on the couch, ordered some take-out and ordered a movie On-Demand. It was GI Joe. We hadn't heard good reviews on it, but it was only $5, so we figured it would at least be worth that. I can't say if it was, I fell asleep about 30 or 40 minutes into it. I'll have to check with Scott to see what he thought.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Study Shows that I Have More Free Time Than I Realized...

So, today a friend of mine IM-ed me this link: http://www.parentdish.com/2010/01/29/moms-have-more-leisure-time-than-they-think/
Its from parentdish.com and is about a study where researchers discovered that mom's have more than 30 hours of "leisure time" a week.
SHOCKING! isn't it. Your first thought is "IMPOSSIBLE! Who the hell were THEY using in their study, a stay-at-home-mom with only one kid who happens to go to a boarding school? It must be a guy doing the research." Well, you got one thing right, the research WAS done by a guy, but the scary thing is...IT'S TRUE!
"What the Hell Did Lori Do Today?" was a blog I started to find out exactly that, what the HELL was I doing with my time. Each day just seemed to slip by and I felt like I wasn't getting anything done. And worse, I felt like those around me were thinking I was just sitting there twiddling my thumbs and not doing what I was SUPPOSE to be doing. For several weeks I keep very detailed lists of what I did almost every second of the day. It was actually gratifying to be able to look back and see that I WAS busy. I WAS getting stuff done. AND I WAS making a different in people's lives...mostly the lives of my two little boys.
I enjoyed keeping a "time diary," but it was also pretty time-consuming, and eventually I had to dedicate my precious time to other more important things.
But then this article popped up and my very detailed list gave me the chance to test this person's study.
I haven't done anything near as scientific as I'm assuming this researcher has done, but I have gone back through a few days of my time-log and pulled out the times in my day that I would consider "leisure" (time when I'm not working or taking care of another person or responsiblity). I added up all the time, did some division, and low-and-behold, I discovered that I had ON AVERAGE 5 hours of "leisure" time EACH DAY! Times that by 7 days a week, and I seem to be above average with 36 hour a week.
Yup, I was SHOCKED! If I had that much time each week for "fun and relaxation", then why in the hell was I so stressed out and tired?
Okay, so then I asked myself, "what is the true definition of leisure?" Of course, I did what any good 2010 blogger would do, and I "googled" it:
Dictionary.com says:
1. freedom from the demands of work or duty: She looked forward to retirement and a life of leisure.
2. time free from the demands of work or duty, when one can rest, enjoy hobbies or sports, etc.: Most evenings he had the leisure in which to follow his interests.
3. unhurried ease: a work written with leisure and grace.
With that in hand, I went back to my time-log and looked closer at the time I indicated was "leisure" and I discovered two things:
1) Commuting back and forth to work may be a time when I'm alone and not doing anything much more than driving, BUT I wouldn't say that I'm "free from the demands of work or duty." It's because of WORK that I'm in the car in the first place. It's not like I said "Hey Honey, lets go take a drive through the country." No, I'm stuck in stop and go traffic for anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour, dealing with annoying people who are cutting me off, because they just NEED to be one car ahead of me. Or trying to avoid the crazy woman who is trying to multitask by putting on her make-up ON her way to work, rather than BEFORE she actually gets into the car. And of course, I'm also sitting in a car, taking forever to get somewhere while I'm stressing out that I'm going to be late getting to where I'm going anyway. Nope, I would NOT consider commuting to be "unhurried ease."
2) A good chunk of the average 5 hours is actually split up into MANY small pieces: 5 minutes chatting with a neighbor after walking my son to the bus stop. 10 minutes checking personal email. 15 minutes playing with my kids. Yes, these things ARE "leisurely", but it sure doesn't make me feel "relaxed" when I'm bouncing from one thing to another. Combine them all together, and I'm just feeling STRESSED OUT that I'm juggling so many different things.
The rest of the average 5 hours...well, 45 minutes to an hour for lunch...often interrupted by some work need. And finally, a block of time, sitting on the couch, eating dinner, and watching TV with my hubby. Yeah, that I would TOTALLY consider "leisure." Unfortunately I'm usually so exhausted by that time, that I'm really not always enjoying this "leisure" time to it's full extent, and typically I drift off to sleep before I even really want too.
So after a little research on my own...YES, it's TRUE. We DO have 30+ hours a week of "LEISURE TIME." It may sure sound like a lot of time, but maybe, just maybe, it's really not enough. I'm sure with a little more digging, I can come up with ANOTHER study that would tell me exactly how much "leisure" time a human being REALLY needs. I'll be sure to post that study if I ever find it.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
SUNDAY - 12/13/09 - A GOOD DAY!
Well, I've decided that I just can't keep up those running lists, AND I can't even find time to check at the end of the day to let you know what I've been up to. Really, most days I'm up to the usual: Get up. Get myself and the kids dressed. Go to work. Go to a meeting, do a project, go to a meeting, do a project... Pick the boys up from where ever (depending on the day). Go home, feed the boys and try to do some stuff around the house. Yup, that is the life of a mom. Of course we squeeze in the cool, fun, interesting stuff, and that is REALLY what I should be blogging about, as it's probably way more interesting to a reader. HOWEVER, I do think it's important to remember all the little things we do. They may be little, and sometimes they may not be all that fun, BUT they are important and it's what fills most of our days! :)
...with all that said...TODAY WAS A FUN DAY!!!!
Today I had plans with my friend Jodi to go to the SoWa Holiday Market (http://www.sowaholidaymarket.com/index.html) in Boston's South End. My friends Lianne and Paul where selling their VERY COOL ornaments there. I love checking out craft shows, but I haven't done one without kids in AGES. It was nice to go with just another adult. It was even nicer to go with a girlfriend...so we could "ooo" and "ahh" over cool hats, scarfs, and jewelery :)
I dropped the boys off with Scott at the kung fu studio and then Jodi met me at my place and we drove in town together. There were so many cool artists there. Here are just a sampling of the ones I liked:
Olaria Studio: http://olariastudio.com/cart/index.php
I thought this woman's jewelery was pretty cool. It's actually pottery pieces. I'd totally wear this stuff...if I didn't have a little one who'd like to pull it off of me.

Brian Gubicza Illustration: http://goobeetsa.com/
I loved these illustrations. They were fun. He actually had a few Star Wars characters (Ventress, Princess Leia, and a couple of others), but they aren't shown on his site :( But if you like things like The Mummy, The Wolfman, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon, then check him out.

Zooguu Handmade: http://zooguu.com/
These little stuffed animals are SUPER CUTE! I wish I had someone on my Christmas list I could buy one for. I'm going to have to think harder. They are so adorable.

Boston Pottery: http://bostonpottery.com/
Check out this guys incense burners. They are pretty damn cool.

Thirsty Cups: http://unklethirsty.com/cups.html
These items are just plain weird, but appealing at the same time. They combine flower images and such that you'd expect on your grandmother's tea cup with things like Robin kissing Batgirl, and cowboys and indians. My friend Lianne pointed them out to Jodi and I because two of the cups they had on display had Star Wars images included. There was a bowl with stormtrooper helmets and TIE fighters...but in the middle was the city seal for Providence RI. Just weird. Maybe appropriate for some of my RI Star Wars friends - LOL!

Swirly Designs: http://swirlydesigns.com/
My friends ornaments! They are just plain awesome! I love them all. I usually pick up a couple each year...but for other people, not for myself. I really SHOULD buy some for myself! Choosing which one is always the difficulty!

Yummy Mummy Brownies: http://www.yummymummybrownies.com/store/
Jodi and I went in on a bag of "odds and ends" which was actually the "side edges" of a pan of brownies that they trim off to make the perfect squares to sell. The cool thing about this bag was that it had an assortment of brownie flavors in it and so we could "sample" the brownies and didn't have to decide which flavor to buy.

PURE chocolate: http://pure-choc.com/
This chocolate shop is actually just down the street from me. I can't tell you how many times I've passed and it looked at it. I've said dozens of times that I wanted to stop in and check them out. We got to taste a sample. It was VERY yummy!

There were lots of other cool crafters there as well. If I had the money...the damnage I could do....
After we left the Holiday Market, Jodi and I grabbed brunch at Newcomb Farms in Quincy. I love this little restaurant. It's definitely a "townie" place. Scott and I go there fairly often with the boys. It was fun to be able to share it with a non-Quincy friend, and then give her a little tour of the town as we drove there and then home.
We decided now that we discovered PURE chocolate at the Holiday Market, we should really check out their store...being that we were going to be passing right by it. It's a cute little shop and has great "design". We told them that we had just been at the Holiday Market and we just had to stop in. We got a free sample of some peppermint bark....and of course we had to make a couple of purchases. I know where I'm going when I'm heading out to visit friends and I want to bring a little house gift ;)
When we got back to my place I mulled up some cider and we sat in the living room, munch on our brownie ends, sipping warm cider, and chatting...while the Patriots game was playing in the background. Jodi isn't much into football, but she knows how much I enjoy it :)
Scott had taken the boys out to do Christmas shopping and they were still out by the time Jodi headed off to visit another friend who lived in the area. I was going to go over to my parents to hang with my Dad and watch the rest of the football game, but the weather was getting pretty cold and rainy outside and the Pats weren't doing all that well, so I decided to just hunker down and watch the game in my own misery...they really are having a tough season.
I had, of course, proudly wore my Patriots t-shirt, earrings, and scarf all day. It's Sunday, you know! Even if my boys are struggling, I'm going to support them the whole way. I popped on my Pats Santa hat, slipped my chilly toes into my fluffy Patriots slippers, and snuggled under my fuzzy Patriots fleece blanket.

I guess my extra effort to show my support helped, because things started to turn around and my boys ground out a win. It wasn't pretty, but it's a win! I'm hoping this is a turning point.
It was really nice having a day to myself. It's so much more relaxing shopping, eating, browsing, and watching a football game when you're not juggling little ones. I love my boys, but I also love having ME time. It was definitely a GOOD DAY!
...with all that said...TODAY WAS A FUN DAY!!!!
Today I had plans with my friend Jodi to go to the SoWa Holiday Market (http://www.sowaholidaymarket.com/index.html) in Boston's South End. My friends Lianne and Paul where selling their VERY COOL ornaments there. I love checking out craft shows, but I haven't done one without kids in AGES. It was nice to go with just another adult. It was even nicer to go with a girlfriend...so we could "ooo" and "ahh" over cool hats, scarfs, and jewelery :)
I dropped the boys off with Scott at the kung fu studio and then Jodi met me at my place and we drove in town together. There were so many cool artists there. Here are just a sampling of the ones I liked:
Olaria Studio: http://olariastudio.com/cart/index.php
I thought this woman's jewelery was pretty cool. It's actually pottery pieces. I'd totally wear this stuff...if I didn't have a little one who'd like to pull it off of me.

Brian Gubicza Illustration: http://goobeetsa.com/
I loved these illustrations. They were fun. He actually had a few Star Wars characters (Ventress, Princess Leia, and a couple of others), but they aren't shown on his site :( But if you like things like The Mummy, The Wolfman, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon, then check him out.

Zooguu Handmade: http://zooguu.com/
These little stuffed animals are SUPER CUTE! I wish I had someone on my Christmas list I could buy one for. I'm going to have to think harder. They are so adorable.

Boston Pottery: http://bostonpottery.com/
Check out this guys incense burners. They are pretty damn cool.

Thirsty Cups: http://unklethirsty.com/cups.html
These items are just plain weird, but appealing at the same time. They combine flower images and such that you'd expect on your grandmother's tea cup with things like Robin kissing Batgirl, and cowboys and indians. My friend Lianne pointed them out to Jodi and I because two of the cups they had on display had Star Wars images included. There was a bowl with stormtrooper helmets and TIE fighters...but in the middle was the city seal for Providence RI. Just weird. Maybe appropriate for some of my RI Star Wars friends - LOL!

Swirly Designs: http://swirlydesigns.com/
My friends ornaments! They are just plain awesome! I love them all. I usually pick up a couple each year...but for other people, not for myself. I really SHOULD buy some for myself! Choosing which one is always the difficulty!

Yummy Mummy Brownies: http://www.yummymummybrownies.com/store/
Jodi and I went in on a bag of "odds and ends" which was actually the "side edges" of a pan of brownies that they trim off to make the perfect squares to sell. The cool thing about this bag was that it had an assortment of brownie flavors in it and so we could "sample" the brownies and didn't have to decide which flavor to buy.

PURE chocolate: http://pure-choc.com/
This chocolate shop is actually just down the street from me. I can't tell you how many times I've passed and it looked at it. I've said dozens of times that I wanted to stop in and check them out. We got to taste a sample. It was VERY yummy!

There were lots of other cool crafters there as well. If I had the money...the damnage I could do....
After we left the Holiday Market, Jodi and I grabbed brunch at Newcomb Farms in Quincy. I love this little restaurant. It's definitely a "townie" place. Scott and I go there fairly often with the boys. It was fun to be able to share it with a non-Quincy friend, and then give her a little tour of the town as we drove there and then home.
We decided now that we discovered PURE chocolate at the Holiday Market, we should really check out their store...being that we were going to be passing right by it. It's a cute little shop and has great "design". We told them that we had just been at the Holiday Market and we just had to stop in. We got a free sample of some peppermint bark....and of course we had to make a couple of purchases. I know where I'm going when I'm heading out to visit friends and I want to bring a little house gift ;)
When we got back to my place I mulled up some cider and we sat in the living room, munch on our brownie ends, sipping warm cider, and chatting...while the Patriots game was playing in the background. Jodi isn't much into football, but she knows how much I enjoy it :)
Scott had taken the boys out to do Christmas shopping and they were still out by the time Jodi headed off to visit another friend who lived in the area. I was going to go over to my parents to hang with my Dad and watch the rest of the football game, but the weather was getting pretty cold and rainy outside and the Pats weren't doing all that well, so I decided to just hunker down and watch the game in my own misery...they really are having a tough season.
I had, of course, proudly wore my Patriots t-shirt, earrings, and scarf all day. It's Sunday, you know! Even if my boys are struggling, I'm going to support them the whole way. I popped on my Pats Santa hat, slipped my chilly toes into my fluffy Patriots slippers, and snuggled under my fuzzy Patriots fleece blanket.

I guess my extra effort to show my support helped, because things started to turn around and my boys ground out a win. It wasn't pretty, but it's a win! I'm hoping this is a turning point.
It was really nice having a day to myself. It's so much more relaxing shopping, eating, browsing, and watching a football game when you're not juggling little ones. I love my boys, but I also love having ME time. It was definitely a GOOD DAY!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday 11/27/09 - BLACK FRIDAY
Well, after a couple of hours of shopping in the middle of the night, I managed to get about an hours sleep before one of the two boys woke me up. Walker crawled into bed with Scott and I a little after 6:00. As usual, he wanted to watch cartoons, but I tried to convince him to fall back to sleep. Then the OTHER ONE woke up. I asked Scott to get up and get him a bottle in hopes he's go back down for another hour or two. Unfortunately when Scott checked to see if he needed a diaper change, he found that Caden was soaked through, so he had to then completely change him. I kept cuddling with Walker, but by the time Scott got Caden back in the crib, Walker had enough of the bed. I finally gave up and went into the living room to turn on cartoons. Of course, Caden saw us leave the room and that meant there was NO WAY he was falling back to sleep.
I had really hoped that I would be able to grab a short nap either later in the morning or some time during the day, but that never happened.
Walker wanted to know "What are we doing today?" He wanted to go to a store and buy a toy. I explained to him that there was no way we were going anywhere near a Walmart or a Target. Scott told Walker and I to figure out what we wanted to do today.
I decided that I DID still want to do some Christmas shopping and I suggested we go to the new Big Lots store that opened in Taunton. I've seen commercials for the store for years, but there was never one near us. I wanted to check it out and figured it probably wasn't a major destination for most Black Friday-ers. I was right. It was pretty quiet.
We strolled around Big Lots and picked up a few little things. A couple of small gifts and Scott got something for the school. And of course, Walker got a toy...and a new Spiderman toothbrush.
We headed back home from there. The weather was really yucky...cold and rainy...so we had no real desire to pop from store to store with a 5 year old and a 1 year old.
We decided to stop someplace for lunch. Scott suggested TGI Fridays. I thought the place would be MOBBED being that it was a Friday and so many people had the day off. I couldn't have been more wrong. The place was pretty empty compared to normal. It was around 2:00 and we got sat right away.
We had a nice lunch, though Walker never eats much of his food. Caden had some baby food and a whole bunch of Cheerios...many of which he ate by picking up with a crayon. Yeah, odd, but it amazes me that he can actually do it!
It would have been a relaxing lunch had they not sat three annoying and immature young adults behind us. Actually it was more like one immature young man...he did most of the talking, and the two girls he was with really didn't say much, or at least not as loudly. He was going on and on and on about some girl he was dating who claimed she was pregnant and that he didn't believe her and that until she proved it was his he wasn't taking responsibility for it. He even went on about how a past girlfriend had done the same thing to him. Just as we were wrapping up, he got a call from the "possibly pregnant girl" and he was being SO rude to here and just plain obnoxious. We couldn't have gotten out of there fast enough...sigh.
I dropped Scott off at home and then took the boys for a "nap lap" in hopes that they would fall asleep so we could all go home and take a nap, but Walker didn't seem at all ready to sleep, so I decided to make another stop to do more Christmas shopping. Of course, Walker then fell asleep in the shopping cart. I picked up a few thing and then headed back to the car. Unfortunately the cold wet weather woke Walker up, so his nap didn't last very long.
I headed back home with the boys. Let them play. Did some cleaning, and then got them some dinner. Caden went to bed at 7:30 and Walker fell asleep on the couch watching cartoons.
Scott got home around 8:30. He called and ordered us some pizza, though there was no new Clone Wars on (Fridays are usually Pizza and Clone Wars Night). In fact there was no Clone Wars on at all. I watched some "Say Yes To The Dress" while Scott surfed the internet and looked up Star Wars MicroMachines on ebay that I wanted to get for Walker for Christmas.
I told Scott that I was contemplating going back to Old Navy the next day to pick up some Christmas stockings that were going to be on sale for $2 each (regularly $9.50). He was nice enough to call the store for me to find out what time they opened (since he had the phone over by the computer and i was all cozy on the couch by that time). I had him set our alarm clock for 6:30, as Old Navy would be opening at 7:00 the next morning. Then I fell asleep on the couch...of course I did.
I had really hoped that I would be able to grab a short nap either later in the morning or some time during the day, but that never happened.
Walker wanted to know "What are we doing today?" He wanted to go to a store and buy a toy. I explained to him that there was no way we were going anywhere near a Walmart or a Target. Scott told Walker and I to figure out what we wanted to do today.
I decided that I DID still want to do some Christmas shopping and I suggested we go to the new Big Lots store that opened in Taunton. I've seen commercials for the store for years, but there was never one near us. I wanted to check it out and figured it probably wasn't a major destination for most Black Friday-ers. I was right. It was pretty quiet.
We strolled around Big Lots and picked up a few little things. A couple of small gifts and Scott got something for the school. And of course, Walker got a toy...and a new Spiderman toothbrush.
We headed back home from there. The weather was really yucky...cold and rainy...so we had no real desire to pop from store to store with a 5 year old and a 1 year old.
We decided to stop someplace for lunch. Scott suggested TGI Fridays. I thought the place would be MOBBED being that it was a Friday and so many people had the day off. I couldn't have been more wrong. The place was pretty empty compared to normal. It was around 2:00 and we got sat right away.
We had a nice lunch, though Walker never eats much of his food. Caden had some baby food and a whole bunch of Cheerios...many of which he ate by picking up with a crayon. Yeah, odd, but it amazes me that he can actually do it!
It would have been a relaxing lunch had they not sat three annoying and immature young adults behind us. Actually it was more like one immature young man...he did most of the talking, and the two girls he was with really didn't say much, or at least not as loudly. He was going on and on and on about some girl he was dating who claimed she was pregnant and that he didn't believe her and that until she proved it was his he wasn't taking responsibility for it. He even went on about how a past girlfriend had done the same thing to him. Just as we were wrapping up, he got a call from the "possibly pregnant girl" and he was being SO rude to here and just plain obnoxious. We couldn't have gotten out of there fast enough...sigh.
I dropped Scott off at home and then took the boys for a "nap lap" in hopes that they would fall asleep so we could all go home and take a nap, but Walker didn't seem at all ready to sleep, so I decided to make another stop to do more Christmas shopping. Of course, Walker then fell asleep in the shopping cart. I picked up a few thing and then headed back to the car. Unfortunately the cold wet weather woke Walker up, so his nap didn't last very long.
I headed back home with the boys. Let them play. Did some cleaning, and then got them some dinner. Caden went to bed at 7:30 and Walker fell asleep on the couch watching cartoons.
Scott got home around 8:30. He called and ordered us some pizza, though there was no new Clone Wars on (Fridays are usually Pizza and Clone Wars Night). In fact there was no Clone Wars on at all. I watched some "Say Yes To The Dress" while Scott surfed the internet and looked up Star Wars MicroMachines on ebay that I wanted to get for Walker for Christmas.
I told Scott that I was contemplating going back to Old Navy the next day to pick up some Christmas stockings that were going to be on sale for $2 each (regularly $9.50). He was nice enough to call the store for me to find out what time they opened (since he had the phone over by the computer and i was all cozy on the couch by that time). I had him set our alarm clock for 6:30, as Old Navy would be opening at 7:00 the next morning. Then I fell asleep on the couch...of course I did.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday 11/26/09 - THANKSGIVING...and into Black Friday
Thanksgiving morning...filled with baking and decorating cookies, a special breakfast treat, and parade watching. It was the perfect Thanksgiving morning. The kind I've been hoping for for many years. It reminded me of Thanksgiving mornings from my childhood. My mom would be preparing the turkey dinner and I'd be helping, and we'd both be watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. The only thing that was missing was the smell of turkey in the oven. It was replaced by the smell of cookies and later baked ziti...as mom was still the one cooking the turkey, but at her own house.
Walker was excited to put on his red robot apron and help me mix up the ingredients for cookies. Then he helped me make some cinnamon twists for breakfast. After we were done eating, we started the decorating process of the Turkey-Hand Cookies we had baked the night before. We sat at the kitchen table watching Thanksgiving Day parade...Walker getting super excited about all the characters that he knew: Dora, Spiderman, Mickey Mouse, Elmo...and decorated the turkeys just as they showed on Nick Jr (which Walker has seen a couple of dozen times over the past months and new all the steps by heart). He was very excited that they came out just the way there were on TV. I was excited to have someone to watch the parade with (Scott would rather sleep in then get up to watch a parade on TV).

My favorite part of the Parade is always the arrival of Santa, and now with kids and see their excitement, it's even better. I have to admit that I get emotional when I see Walker's bright smile and twinkling eyes whenever he sees the Man In Red.
After the baking was done. Scott put the boys into the tub and I whipped up a batch of baked ziti and got myself dressed. Scott jumped into the shower and then we packed everything up and headed over to my parents to have Thanksgiving dinner with the rest of the family.
Whenever anyone asks me how my holiday was, I usually respond in the same way: "Lots of food, Lots of people. Lots of noise." And this year was no different.
There is ALWAYS WAY TOO MUCH food at our family holiday dinners...but that is the way we love it. Everything was yummy, and there was PLENTY for seconds...and even some to take home for 3rds and 4ths.
For dinner it's my parents, Scott's mom, my sister Kellie and her family of 7, my brother Ray, Scott, myself, and our boys. We were able to fit everyone around the table with the exception of 4 of the little ones at a card table next to the dinning room table.
After dinner my sister Korie comes over with her husband and 3 girls, as well as my Aunt Karin and her granddaughter and her boys may pop in at some point. This year my cousin's Beverly and her daughter and grandson joined in on the fun.
Of course, with that many people, it's going to be NOISY! And it's not just from the dozen or so kids running around the screaming. My family has ALWAYS been loud: "COLIN! THERE IS TURKEY JUICE DRIPPING EVERYWHERE!", "JESUE, CAN'T THEY MAKE A FRIGGIN' FIRST DOWN?!", "DAD, WILL YOU JUST RELAX!", "NO! DON'T BRING ROOTBEER INTO THE LIVING ROOM, YOU'LL SPILL IT!!!"...you get the idea. It's just always loud, but I wouldn't want it any other way. The only thing I would remove is the arguments that always seem to pop up because someone gets on someone's nerves at some point. At least we got through the day without any tears, food throwing, or door slamming (well, the little one's are always slamming doors, but that doesn't count).
We finally called it a day and headed home about 8:00. The boys were getting VERY tired and pretty cranky. Walker still isn't 100% and we think Caden is now coming down with something.
We had brought two cars, just in case the boys became too cranky earlier in the day and then Scott could bring them home. Scott took Caden and I took Walker. Walker and I got home first as Scott had to stop for coffee...I desperately needed one as well.
I got Walker into his PJs and settled him watching TV while I started cleaning up the mess I had made in the kitchen that morning. Scott got home with Caden and got him ready for bed. Caden went down and then we let Walker stay up for a little longer. Scott gave him his meds and then read him a story before tucking him into bed.
Finally, the two of us crashed on the couch and enjoyed the quiet of the house...well, until Walker started hacking really badly and I went in and checked on him. I gave him some water and he seemed to settle back down. I'm really eager for this sickness to pass. I feel so bad for him.
I returned to the living room. Set my cell phone for 2:30 as I was playing with the idea of going out to Old Navy at 3:00 to partake in the Black Friday madness. And then I was asleep.
The alarm went off at 2:30. Scott was playing a video game. I turned off the alarm and tried to decide if I REALLY did want to go out. I got up and brushed my teeth and decided that "Yeah, I'm awake" and decided to be one of the "crazies" out on the road in the middle of the night. Scott thought I was crazy, but "whatever mad me happy, just don't wake up the kids."

I got to the Old Navy in Hingham just after 3:00am. The parking lot was PACKED! This Old Navy is sort of out of the way and not close by any other shopping areas, so I was hoping it wouldn't be too busy...I guess the other were probably busier.
I picked up Christmas gifts for my 8 nieces and nephews and even got a pair of sweat pants for myself and it came to less than $70. I felt it was a successful trip.
I think I was in line longer than I was actually shopping, but what can you do. I came all the way out, so I had to just deal with it. Luckily there were some friendly people in line with me and we chatted to pass the time. A girl actually passed out while we all waiting. It was 4 am and the Hingham emergency crew flooded into the store. There had to be about 8 guys for 1 girl. The women behind me said "Slow night in Hingham." I said "you know, when someone passes out, they tell you to give them air. Why is it that 8 firefighters are gathered around her in the middle of a bunch of clothing racks?" LOL! I really do think they were bored. Maybe they were just eager to see the Black Friday Craziness themselves. They walked the girl out. I think she just needed some air.
I got home just before 5am and crawled right back into bed.
Walker was excited to put on his red robot apron and help me mix up the ingredients for cookies. Then he helped me make some cinnamon twists for breakfast. After we were done eating, we started the decorating process of the Turkey-Hand Cookies we had baked the night before. We sat at the kitchen table watching Thanksgiving Day parade...Walker getting super excited about all the characters that he knew: Dora, Spiderman, Mickey Mouse, Elmo...and decorated the turkeys just as they showed on Nick Jr (which Walker has seen a couple of dozen times over the past months and new all the steps by heart). He was very excited that they came out just the way there were on TV. I was excited to have someone to watch the parade with (Scott would rather sleep in then get up to watch a parade on TV).

My favorite part of the Parade is always the arrival of Santa, and now with kids and see their excitement, it's even better. I have to admit that I get emotional when I see Walker's bright smile and twinkling eyes whenever he sees the Man In Red.
After the baking was done. Scott put the boys into the tub and I whipped up a batch of baked ziti and got myself dressed. Scott jumped into the shower and then we packed everything up and headed over to my parents to have Thanksgiving dinner with the rest of the family.
Whenever anyone asks me how my holiday was, I usually respond in the same way: "Lots of food, Lots of people. Lots of noise." And this year was no different.
There is ALWAYS WAY TOO MUCH food at our family holiday dinners...but that is the way we love it. Everything was yummy, and there was PLENTY for seconds...and even some to take home for 3rds and 4ths.
For dinner it's my parents, Scott's mom, my sister Kellie and her family of 7, my brother Ray, Scott, myself, and our boys. We were able to fit everyone around the table with the exception of 4 of the little ones at a card table next to the dinning room table.
After dinner my sister Korie comes over with her husband and 3 girls, as well as my Aunt Karin and her granddaughter and her boys may pop in at some point. This year my cousin's Beverly and her daughter and grandson joined in on the fun.
Of course, with that many people, it's going to be NOISY! And it's not just from the dozen or so kids running around the screaming. My family has ALWAYS been loud: "COLIN! THERE IS TURKEY JUICE DRIPPING EVERYWHERE!", "JESUE, CAN'T THEY MAKE A FRIGGIN' FIRST DOWN?!", "DAD, WILL YOU JUST RELAX!", "NO! DON'T BRING ROOTBEER INTO THE LIVING ROOM, YOU'LL SPILL IT!!!"...you get the idea. It's just always loud, but I wouldn't want it any other way. The only thing I would remove is the arguments that always seem to pop up because someone gets on someone's nerves at some point. At least we got through the day without any tears, food throwing, or door slamming (well, the little one's are always slamming doors, but that doesn't count).
We finally called it a day and headed home about 8:00. The boys were getting VERY tired and pretty cranky. Walker still isn't 100% and we think Caden is now coming down with something.
We had brought two cars, just in case the boys became too cranky earlier in the day and then Scott could bring them home. Scott took Caden and I took Walker. Walker and I got home first as Scott had to stop for coffee...I desperately needed one as well.
I got Walker into his PJs and settled him watching TV while I started cleaning up the mess I had made in the kitchen that morning. Scott got home with Caden and got him ready for bed. Caden went down and then we let Walker stay up for a little longer. Scott gave him his meds and then read him a story before tucking him into bed.
Finally, the two of us crashed on the couch and enjoyed the quiet of the house...well, until Walker started hacking really badly and I went in and checked on him. I gave him some water and he seemed to settle back down. I'm really eager for this sickness to pass. I feel so bad for him.
I returned to the living room. Set my cell phone for 2:30 as I was playing with the idea of going out to Old Navy at 3:00 to partake in the Black Friday madness. And then I was asleep.
The alarm went off at 2:30. Scott was playing a video game. I turned off the alarm and tried to decide if I REALLY did want to go out. I got up and brushed my teeth and decided that "Yeah, I'm awake" and decided to be one of the "crazies" out on the road in the middle of the night. Scott thought I was crazy, but "whatever mad me happy, just don't wake up the kids."

I got to the Old Navy in Hingham just after 3:00am. The parking lot was PACKED! This Old Navy is sort of out of the way and not close by any other shopping areas, so I was hoping it wouldn't be too busy...I guess the other were probably busier.
I picked up Christmas gifts for my 8 nieces and nephews and even got a pair of sweat pants for myself and it came to less than $70. I felt it was a successful trip.
I think I was in line longer than I was actually shopping, but what can you do. I came all the way out, so I had to just deal with it. Luckily there were some friendly people in line with me and we chatted to pass the time. A girl actually passed out while we all waiting. It was 4 am and the Hingham emergency crew flooded into the store. There had to be about 8 guys for 1 girl. The women behind me said "Slow night in Hingham." I said "you know, when someone passes out, they tell you to give them air. Why is it that 8 firefighters are gathered around her in the middle of a bunch of clothing racks?" LOL! I really do think they were bored. Maybe they were just eager to see the Black Friday Craziness themselves. They walked the girl out. I think she just needed some air.
I got home just before 5am and crawled right back into bed.
Wednesday 11/25/09 - THANKSGIVING EVE
Okay, new format. When life gets busy, there is no way I can keep an updated list. I get too far behind and the idea of going back just becomes daunting. SOOOO...I'm just going to highlight the important stuff :)
Walker woke up at 5:00 and came and laid on the couch with me. His fever was gone, but his breathing was really worrying me. It was fast and shallow. I let him sleep for a while, though I could not...because I was worrying :(
With Walker being sick and juggling both "working from home" and taking care of a sick little one, I hadn't taken a shower in 3 DAYS!!! I wanted to call the doctor when the office opened, and I knew if I didn't take a shower before I did that, then I never would...because with my luck they would have said "Can you come in right now." I headed into the shower at 5:30.
I got out of the shower and got myself dressed and ready for work, I popped on the computer to looked up "pneumonia" online and the symptoms they described sounded just like what Walker was going through. I woke up Scott and asked him if he could get up a little earlier today so I could get into work earlier...or at LEAST on time. I also told him my concerns about Walker's breathing. He said he would call the doctor's when he got to kung fu and make an appointment for later in the day.
Together we got the boys ready...it was harder with Walker, since he was so tired and just laid there limply :( I headed off to work and Scott went to kung fu.
I got into the office and got caught up on things. I had done a few projects from home, so I printed some of them out and passed them along to those who needed to review. I helped trouble shoot a last minute project and then finished up my Sparks pages for "2nd Editorial Review". Worked on a few other projects and had a couple of meetings.
Scott called to update me on Walker's doctor's appointment. It turns out he doesn't have pneumonia, but bronchitis :( They subscribed him antibiotics and an inhaler. Well, it's best that we know WHY he is sick and now we have meds to help him get better.
Headed out to lunch with my friend, Sandra, from Dublin at California Pizza Kitchen. I had a very yummy 5 cheese pizza...that deserves and EXTRA "YUM"... We only had just about an hour for lunch. Sandra and I could talk for HOURS, so it was sort of rushed, but we had great conversation about "personality types" which I had taken a workshop on a few months back. I SOOO wish Sandra lived closer than an ocean away. I miss her bunches!
Got back to the office a few minutes late for a management meeting. I brought Sandra with me to the office because she also knows Lianne and I thought they could chat for a few minutes before she had to go. I gave her a big hug and went into my meeting.
The Museum closed at 2:00 today for the holiday. I ended up staying until 2:30 as I had a couple of things I wanted to complete before I headed out for our 4 day holiday.
Had to stop by CVS to pick up Walker's meds -- $109!!!!!!!! OMG, I could NOT believe it. The biggest cost was $70 for a special mask to attach to the inhaler for kids. I figured it was best to get it, as I knew Walker would NOT take easily to putting something in his mouth and breathing it in. This special mask makes it alot easier. The pharmacist said that if I had a AAA card, the there may be a discount. I didn't have a card, but Scott does (he's on his mom's plan). She said he should be able to come back with prescription and get the discount...if there is one. I hope there is...I could use $14 back.
Got home and told Scott about how much the meds cost. He was shocked! Walker was sleeping. Scott said he had crawled into his bed (which he never sleeps in during the day) and fell asleep after lunch. He said his temp had started to go back up and he gave him Tylenol a little while ago. I unpacked all the meds and got some of the antibiotics ready and went into his room and woke him up enough to give him a dose.
I played with Caden for a while and then popped on the computer to let my FB friends and family know what is up with Walker. While I was on the computer I heard Caden in Walker's room pounding on a drum and then I sensed someone behind me. It was Walker. He was drowsy, so I picked him up and held him on my lap. Caden then came out and started to get jealous (yes, it has already begun) and wanted to sit on my lap as well, so I then had both of them on top of me.
After a while I got Walker to drink some juice and eventually the meds seemed to have kicked in because he had more energy. He even had an appetite, which he really hadn't had in a few days. I gave him some jelly toast and he ate the whole thing without any prompting.
We all played for a while and then I did some cleaning around the house. Walker has been obsessing about two tiny little Star Wars figures that he has misplaced and has had Scott and I searching everywhere for them. They can't be more than an inch tall. They could be ANYWHERE in the house, in the cars, or even at the kung fu school. They could in fact be completely LOST. But Walker NEVER forgets, so I told him that it was easier to FIND something if you cleaned and put things back where they belong. The concept seemed to be lost on him, but as long as I was "looking" he seemed fine to let me do what I was doing...because it was for HIM - LOL!
I promised Walker that we could make Turkey-Hand Cookies tonight. He's been seeing the activity on Nick Jr. for weeks and I told him we could do it, but I wanted to wait until Caden went to sleep. We traced out our hands on paper and I cut them out and told him once Cade was in bed, we could make up the dough.
Got Caden into PJs, fed him dinner, let him play, and then changed him again before putting him to bed.
Made Turkey-Hand Cookies with Walker. We had traced our hands earlier and then we took those templates and traced them on to some cookie dough. Walker LOVES to mix stuff. I bought him an apron with a robot on it years ago and it's seem much love between baking and painting. What he doesn't like to do is touch "messy stuff" so when it came to the part when you have to use your hands., so I finished mixing the dough and making it into a big ball. At that point, Walker is fine to play around with it. We had alot of fun cutting out the turkeys and he would tell me who each one was going to be for. He wants to make them for his cousins :)
We cooked the turkeys and then I tucked him into bed after a bedtime story.
Scott came home a bit late and i was too tired to cook, so he brought home salads from Uno's...yummy! I had wanted to make pork chops, but the days activities wiped me out. I'm going to be so happy when everyone is healthy again.
Walker woke up at 5:00 and came and laid on the couch with me. His fever was gone, but his breathing was really worrying me. It was fast and shallow. I let him sleep for a while, though I could not...because I was worrying :(
With Walker being sick and juggling both "working from home" and taking care of a sick little one, I hadn't taken a shower in 3 DAYS!!! I wanted to call the doctor when the office opened, and I knew if I didn't take a shower before I did that, then I never would...because with my luck they would have said "Can you come in right now." I headed into the shower at 5:30.
I got out of the shower and got myself dressed and ready for work, I popped on the computer to looked up "pneumonia" online and the symptoms they described sounded just like what Walker was going through. I woke up Scott and asked him if he could get up a little earlier today so I could get into work earlier...or at LEAST on time. I also told him my concerns about Walker's breathing. He said he would call the doctor's when he got to kung fu and make an appointment for later in the day.
Together we got the boys ready...it was harder with Walker, since he was so tired and just laid there limply :( I headed off to work and Scott went to kung fu.
I got into the office and got caught up on things. I had done a few projects from home, so I printed some of them out and passed them along to those who needed to review. I helped trouble shoot a last minute project and then finished up my Sparks pages for "2nd Editorial Review". Worked on a few other projects and had a couple of meetings.
Scott called to update me on Walker's doctor's appointment. It turns out he doesn't have pneumonia, but bronchitis :( They subscribed him antibiotics and an inhaler. Well, it's best that we know WHY he is sick and now we have meds to help him get better.
Headed out to lunch with my friend, Sandra, from Dublin at California Pizza Kitchen. I had a very yummy 5 cheese pizza...that deserves and EXTRA "YUM"... We only had just about an hour for lunch. Sandra and I could talk for HOURS, so it was sort of rushed, but we had great conversation about "personality types" which I had taken a workshop on a few months back. I SOOO wish Sandra lived closer than an ocean away. I miss her bunches!
Got back to the office a few minutes late for a management meeting. I brought Sandra with me to the office because she also knows Lianne and I thought they could chat for a few minutes before she had to go. I gave her a big hug and went into my meeting.
The Museum closed at 2:00 today for the holiday. I ended up staying until 2:30 as I had a couple of things I wanted to complete before I headed out for our 4 day holiday.
Had to stop by CVS to pick up Walker's meds -- $109!!!!!!!! OMG, I could NOT believe it. The biggest cost was $70 for a special mask to attach to the inhaler for kids. I figured it was best to get it, as I knew Walker would NOT take easily to putting something in his mouth and breathing it in. This special mask makes it alot easier. The pharmacist said that if I had a AAA card, the there may be a discount. I didn't have a card, but Scott does (he's on his mom's plan). She said he should be able to come back with prescription and get the discount...if there is one. I hope there is...I could use $14 back.
Got home and told Scott about how much the meds cost. He was shocked! Walker was sleeping. Scott said he had crawled into his bed (which he never sleeps in during the day) and fell asleep after lunch. He said his temp had started to go back up and he gave him Tylenol a little while ago. I unpacked all the meds and got some of the antibiotics ready and went into his room and woke him up enough to give him a dose.
I played with Caden for a while and then popped on the computer to let my FB friends and family know what is up with Walker. While I was on the computer I heard Caden in Walker's room pounding on a drum and then I sensed someone behind me. It was Walker. He was drowsy, so I picked him up and held him on my lap. Caden then came out and started to get jealous (yes, it has already begun) and wanted to sit on my lap as well, so I then had both of them on top of me.
After a while I got Walker to drink some juice and eventually the meds seemed to have kicked in because he had more energy. He even had an appetite, which he really hadn't had in a few days. I gave him some jelly toast and he ate the whole thing without any prompting.
We all played for a while and then I did some cleaning around the house. Walker has been obsessing about two tiny little Star Wars figures that he has misplaced and has had Scott and I searching everywhere for them. They can't be more than an inch tall. They could be ANYWHERE in the house, in the cars, or even at the kung fu school. They could in fact be completely LOST. But Walker NEVER forgets, so I told him that it was easier to FIND something if you cleaned and put things back where they belong. The concept seemed to be lost on him, but as long as I was "looking" he seemed fine to let me do what I was doing...because it was for HIM - LOL!
I promised Walker that we could make Turkey-Hand Cookies tonight. He's been seeing the activity on Nick Jr. for weeks and I told him we could do it, but I wanted to wait until Caden went to sleep. We traced out our hands on paper and I cut them out and told him once Cade was in bed, we could make up the dough.
Got Caden into PJs, fed him dinner, let him play, and then changed him again before putting him to bed.
Made Turkey-Hand Cookies with Walker. We had traced our hands earlier and then we took those templates and traced them on to some cookie dough. Walker LOVES to mix stuff. I bought him an apron with a robot on it years ago and it's seem much love between baking and painting. What he doesn't like to do is touch "messy stuff" so when it came to the part when you have to use your hands., so I finished mixing the dough and making it into a big ball. At that point, Walker is fine to play around with it. We had alot of fun cutting out the turkeys and he would tell me who each one was going to be for. He wants to make them for his cousins :)
We cooked the turkeys and then I tucked him into bed after a bedtime story.
Scott came home a bit late and i was too tired to cook, so he brought home salads from Uno's...yummy! I had wanted to make pork chops, but the days activities wiped me out. I'm going to be so happy when everyone is healthy again.
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